Monday 28 April 2014

I Will Not Bow

I think this post will be more of a rant than anything, with a positive spin at the end.

Well, things have been insane in our lives. I have friends who are moving on with things in their lives, months before I thought things in the friendships would change. W and I are going through a lot, experiencing a lot, things are changing for us (and fast), as well as the stress of a multitude of things. That being said, finding good friends seems to be tough, finding good friends that want to stay your friends and support you through everything, is even harder.

A few of my friends have ventured on to a part in their lives, that we've been trying to venture on to for the last 1.5 years, and we aren't getting anywhere. Once they hit this adventure, I'm no one. I'm a friend the come to simply to brag about the adventure. When talking to someone who's been on this journey for 1.5 years, in which you know what their struggles have been, what they've gone through, the disappointment they felt and still feel, you need to be sensitive, and understanding that they may not want to talk solely about your adventure, and the one they have yet to achieve.

Friends who are like this, who can't stop talking about it, are left without friends, and those who are still working on the adventure, are left with no one, no support system, no encouragement, no one, we are simply left behind. What you don't realize is that you're hurting us, you're hurting our feelings, you're discouraging us (despite probably thinking you're encouraging us), but what hurts the most is that you can't stop talking about it enough to realize that we don't want to hear it, and that you're making it so we don't want to talk to you. We don't want to confront you about it, tell you that we don't want to talk to you, or that you're stepping on boundaries or hurting our feelings, because well, you just got great news. Please take all of this into consideration before you talk to me about your adventure.

On a plus side, we have officially closed the deal on our house. We will be moving on June 27th, a little later than we expected and hoped for, but moving nonetheless. We are beyond excited and we hope that everything else in our life just falls into place. Exciting stuff for us, but hopefully a few other exciting things will pop up and fulfill our lives.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Begin Again

Since I haven't written about 215 lately, the last few days definitely warrants a post! While it was so nice out this weekend, W and I have been outside getting everything cleaned up. Leaves raked, snow shovelled off of the deck so the deck can dry off, that kind of stuff. Plus detailing our two personal vehicles and W's work truck!

While outside yesterday, cleaning my SUV, our neighbour (215) was outside, and started shovelling the snow from his yard, into our yard... Yes, just as it sounds, being petty and trying to get us to give a reaction. I noticed he was shovelling the snow onto our yard, while I was detailing the car, and Wade came over, to "see" how cleaning the car was going, and 215 gave W a look, the kind of look that would piss any other person off, given what 215 has done to us.

This morning, I heard shovelling so I looked outside, and saw that he was doing it all again. Since the dog pen is completely swamped in right now, so we've put out a dog run in the yard, and have to take Sadie out and tie her to the line to go to the washroom and such. I took the dogs out for their morning fresh air and pee break, while 215 was outside shovelling more snow onto our yard, Dacia went straight for his area and started barking at him, telling him to get off of our yard! I grabbed my headphones and sat outside with the dogs, as Dacia doesn't have to be on a leash, so I just sit outside and make sure she doesn't wander off to where she shouldn't be. Meanwhile, he continues to shovel snow on our lawn, and when he's done he grabs his shovels, and shoots me a creepy "Whatcha gonna do about it?" stare, as he walks around into his yard. Gives off a major creepy vibe, and I greatly dislike it...

Thursday 10 April 2014

Long Hot Summer

Well, life is about to get a whole lot crazier! We SOLD our house, last weekend after only 8 days on the market.

We've started looking at houses now, I think it's finally starting to sink in that we did sell our house in just 8 short days on the market! Before we purchased it, it had been on the market for one full year, so to see it sell in just 8 days, is simply astonishing! We saw a house on Tuesday but didn't really like it! I can't wait to view more houses tonight, 6 in total! We have a good budget to work with too, which makes looking and shopping that much easier and better!

Everything else is going good in our lives. We've got to finish the soffit and fascia on the roof this weekend, we finished half of it last weekend and the last half will be this weekend! It's getting so nice out here, and the snow is melting, the yard is turning into mush! It sucks that everything is so wet, and flooding will be an issue for so many people, but it's what happens with spring and the snow melting.

We've gotten our truck up and running too! It was parked throughout the winter because Wade has a work truck and I have my SUV, but with needing to do dump runs and moving, we kind of need it up and going so we can use it and everything!

We're excited to close this chapter of our life, and move on to the next chapter, it's going to be an amazing one!

Tuesday 1 April 2014


Well, things have been insanely busy in our lives. Weekend after weekend has been filled with house stuff. Painting, siliconing, trimming, more painting, more painting, cleaning, packing, changing electrical outlets and light switches. We have officially listed our house. Things have gotten very insane here. We have our first viewing today, and this lady is VERY interested in the house :) YAY us!!

Things are starting to get crazy in our lives. It's been snowing the last few days, and cold again too. We haven't been able to do anything really, besides house stuff, and our standard every day life. Things are looking up and changing and I'm truly hoping that April is going to be an incredible month. Listing, viewings, and maybe selling our house, among everything else that's been going on in our life.

Our pets are going stir-crazy because it's gotten cold again and they can't go outside. They're basically little humans with cabin fever and the need/desire to go outside! I cannot wait for it to be spring, and go biking and walking and such with my dogs!