Tuesday 22 April 2014

Begin Again

Since I haven't written about 215 lately, the last few days definitely warrants a post! While it was so nice out this weekend, W and I have been outside getting everything cleaned up. Leaves raked, snow shovelled off of the deck so the deck can dry off, that kind of stuff. Plus detailing our two personal vehicles and W's work truck!

While outside yesterday, cleaning my SUV, our neighbour (215) was outside, and started shovelling the snow from his yard, into our yard... Yes, just as it sounds, being petty and trying to get us to give a reaction. I noticed he was shovelling the snow onto our yard, while I was detailing the car, and Wade came over, to "see" how cleaning the car was going, and 215 gave W a look, the kind of look that would piss any other person off, given what 215 has done to us.

This morning, I heard shovelling so I looked outside, and saw that he was doing it all again. Since the dog pen is completely swamped in right now, so we've put out a dog run in the yard, and have to take Sadie out and tie her to the line to go to the washroom and such. I took the dogs out for their morning fresh air and pee break, while 215 was outside shovelling more snow onto our yard, Dacia went straight for his area and started barking at him, telling him to get off of our yard! I grabbed my headphones and sat outside with the dogs, as Dacia doesn't have to be on a leash, so I just sit outside and make sure she doesn't wander off to where she shouldn't be. Meanwhile, he continues to shovel snow on our lawn, and when he's done he grabs his shovels, and shoots me a creepy "Whatcha gonna do about it?" stare, as he walks around into his yard. Gives off a major creepy vibe, and I greatly dislike it...

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