Friday 10 August 2012

Gluten Free!!!!

A friend of mine has started trying to eat gluten free as it helps her system. Mm, I've tried the gluten free pre-made chocolate cookies, they're so good! And the gluten free white cheddar mac and cheese. Wade didn't like it as much as I did, but he doesn't usually like any of the different things that I try to see if they help my stomach out. I did notice that the few days I was eating this gluten free stuff, I hadn't had any white bread, or anything that would contain wheat and possibly gluten, and it did me some good with managing my stomach! I enjoyed it a lot, it didn't taste too bad, but I'm wondering if the gluten free pasta alone doesn't taste too great, I'd had some before and it was mushy, and honestly it was gross. Thoughts?

The only downside to eating stuff that's gluten free is that it's so damn expensive, and when you have as much stuff going on as we do, it's not feasible.

We had this really nasty storm the other night causing our door to leak buckets of water into the house, under the laminate, and we had to tear up the laminate and rip up the floor to the house as it was soaked in water and moldy!! So now we're fixing it, it's drying out at the moment, we're going to put new boards in, and temporarily put the laminate back in but we've decided to tile in the entrance area as that way there's less chance of this happening again.

We're getting Sadie fixed tomorrow, that's a big bill! Something that needs done though, my friend is dog sitting her for the week and a bit we're gone to BC for our wedding, I'm very grateful to have such incredible friends!

And then there's the wedding, it's quite a big cost for everyone, but I can't wait for it, it's going to be incredible. Everythings picked out, picked up, and getting ready. We're working on the wedding favors slowly, it's a big and long process. DIY stuff is incredible though, and I really love it! Wedding party gifts should be in by next weekend I'm hoping, or this guy is cutting it really short and making me mad!

In September/October we have to put a new roof on our place, as it doesn't meet the mobile parks "standards" :( Ohhhhh well, we're also going to get IPHONE's in the fall! I can't wait for that, it will be awesome!

Surgery Averted!

Well over the past few weeks I though I'd torn the cartilage in my knee, I've been stressing and stressing about it, think about the surgery that's involved in that, and the recovery time, the time off work, the weeks and weeks of rehab after the surgery!

I went to the clinic this morning and the doctor poked at me knee and did some bending and what not of my knee too, and he concluded that it's the "patello femoral syndrome" that I've had since I was 14 years old, it's flaring up causing me all this pain! I cried myself to sleep last night, that's how much it hurts. Well he's given me some pain meds, ones that are stronger than advil! They're helping drastically, I'd been trying to stay off my knee, I got crutches, and wore my knee brace, did very little at home, but nothing was helping, and it was all for nothing! I'm extremely relieved that it wasn't torn cartilage! I did go for xrays but he didn't feel it was anything other than patello femoral syndrome! THANK GOD!

Our wedding is in 2 and a half weeks, I don't have time to be messing around with a surgery that would put me on bed rest for 2 weeks to immobilize my knee, light weight baring for 2 weeks, and then 21 weeks of rehab, there's no time for it! I will be playing volleyball this fall and winter with our team, I can't wait! I still have to do rehab but it won't be as serious!

On another note, everything is coming together for the wedding, or I feel like it is, I guess we'll find out when we get to BC the weekend before! It should be an interesting time getting the chairs, and everything all together! I'm getting really excited about it all, and for it all to come together the way I want it. I've had lots of ups and downs with friends and my bridal party, but I think those only make me stronger, even though I feel like giving up and not caring. It's my wedding, and will be my only wedding, I can't let a few people get to me now can I? That's letting people walk all over me, it's not fair.

Work has been very slow this week, and even more so today, only 2 hours and 45 minutes to go and I can head home, but that 2 hours and 45 minutes of sitting here doing nothing! I have no quotes, no jobs installing, no anything! And to top it off I forgot my damn book at home! Oh well, I guess I'll have to lay out and suntan while I read it as it's nice outside today!

Monday 6 August 2012

The Past Week...

I realize I haven't written in a week!! Work's been slow and I've been busy reading the "Fifty Shades" series! Getting lots of stuff ready for the wedding, doing tons of stuff around the house, trying to get the bridal parties gifts sorted out, watching a TON of the Olympics, currently watching Canada vs. USA!! Unfortunately Canada didn't win :( At least they can still go for bronze! I hope they get it!

We've had a number of storms over the last few nights, and I am sensing we will have one tonight. It's seeming like we get them when it's been really hot out, and it's been 27+ all weekend! It's been incredible, and the lightning in the storms is incredible! A video will be posted below.

I find it hard to blog every day, my life doesn't change enough each day for me to write about! Almost everything is ready for the wedding, just waiting on the bridal party gifts, have to get a few more things, the candies and such for the wedding favours, and I have to do up the table numbers!

A video of the incredible lightning and the sounds of the thunder is below! It's incredible, I've never seen lightning like this in our province!!! Every day that it's been warm, we've been getting storms like this, they're amazing, the lightning that's showing up, sheet lightning and strikes, the light in them is unbelievable.

Is there anything that anyone would like to see me post about? Or would like to know?

What's your favourite song? If you're married, what was your first dance song?

Ours is "God Gave Me You - Blake Shelton" it's going to be incredible. Wade is the most amazing man in my life, and the most amazing man I've ever met.