Wednesday 25 September 2013

30 Things - 5 Passions

What Are 5 Passions You Have?

Click here to the original post.

1. Cooking. I enjoy cooking, making new food, building my own recipes, and experimenting of course. My only fall back is, sometimes I'm not so open to new food, I believe this is due to Crohn's Disease, and how limited it can be.

2. Art. In high school, I was put into an art class, which at the time I disliked. The more I learned and the more we did - painting, self portraits, drawing - I really began to enjoy it. I've kind of lost touch with my artsy side right now, but I'm slowly getting back in it. It just takes time.

3. Music. In grade 5-7 I was in band. I played the Clarinet. I dropped out of it because I was being kept back in my learning while in grade 5-7, and wasn't up to the same level as I should have been to take band in grade 8 and higher. Since then I've had a big passion for music. I listen to music almost all day every day.

4. Helping People. I went into health care, wanting and hoping to help people in their life's journey. I love helping elderly with their every day activities, and helping the young who have a physical or mental disability with their daily activities. It makes me feel important, and like I'm doing something great for someone else. Unfortunately, due to the night shifts usually involved in every position here, I cannot be involved in the health care field.

5. Reading. If I can get into a good book or a good series of books, I will read the entire series as fast as I possibly can. It takes certain books, but I could read a 5 book series in under a month if they were just that good :)

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