Wednesday 23 October 2013

Hard To Love

Well, it's been A LONG while. This song is based after the concert we're going to this weekend :) Yay!!

Things have been crazy here. I'm doing some cleaning for a lady about 8 minutes from my house. I generally go in anywhere from 3-5 days a week, and just do a little bit. I've applied for a part time job on top of this cleaning job. Fingers crossed. Wade was offered an amazing job, needless to say he's taken it. It offers so much more than a small company can offer, unfortunately. He's going to miss the small company vibe and everything, but this isn't something he can just pass up. He starts about November 20th.

My brother has moved out, so we've been busy organizing all of his stuff to go back with my mom after the weekend. He's moved back to BC and is working in a camp job. It's better for him, he's enjoying it.

I've not been up to much, just working on ideas of stuff to create. Paintings, scrapbook stuff, painting a dresser, that kind of stuff. There's been a cougar around, and I believe he's gotten one of our cats :( BOO. Needless to say I haven't really been going anywhere or doing anything, unless it involves my vehicle. I've had a nasty head cold lately too, and our volleyball season has started :) So things are going quite well right now, despite being sick.

Hope all of my readers are doing well too!

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