Tuesday 13 May 2014

All Of Me (Generosity & Reward)

Since I have slowly started up my own business, All Eternity Wedding Planning, I wanted to take a moment and share a few things regarding my business and regarding people I have recently helped.

In April, there was an apartment building fire, 25 minutes from my house. It was completely destroyed, over 30 people lost EVERYTHING they owned except for the clothes on their backs. When I heard about this fire, I was devastated for the families, the children, everyone. Losing items to a fire is difficult, I've been through that, but losing EVERYTHING you own, I couldn't begin to imagine how all of these families felt.

I was on a Wedding Buy/Sell site for my area, and saw that there was a bride and groom, who's wedding was just under 2 weeks away, from the day they lost everything in the fire. I had the pleasure of meeting with the couple, discussing their losses pertaining to the wedding. I wrote on EVERY Buy/Sell site to get as much as I possibly could for this couple. The generosity was amazing, I honestly didn't expect it. It doesn't surprise me to know that there are good people out there, people who would give up their belongings, their items, and their time to help those who are in desperate need of a miracle, to prove that everything happens for a reason. I got SO many items together, and got SO many volunteers to help get what the bride and groom needed for their wedding.

Sometimes, the love, generosity, and genuine caring person I am, surprises me. I helped perfect strangers find everything they needed to go through with their wedding, to start the first day of the rest of their lives as husband and wife. I asked for nothing in return, the couple was hurting, they had SO much to deal with, things that most people will never experience in their life time. All I truly wanted to see was this couple go forward with their wedding and start their life, they deserved happiness after a tragedy like they had suffered.

I've just contacted the couple again, as they were recently in the local paper. They've rented a new house, at a higher rent than they were paying, and they are going to need household items. I have some, we're moving, we need them gone (decluttering), I WANT to help them. I have always had the desire to help people, it's what took me into the health care field. Helping people is what I live for, making people happy is the reward.

I am very pleased with my ability to WANT to help people, almost to NEED to help people. It's incredibly rewarding, and the best reward is seeing a tear in their eyes, a smile on their face, and that look of you melting their heart with your generosity, meanwhile melting your heart seeing how much they truly appreciate everything you have done for them.

To you, I wish you the ABSOLUTE best in your future, you both deserve nothing but the best. This will make you stronger, despite how you may feel now.


1 comment:

  1. You definitely are amazing. I hope you were able to see our wedding photos on facebook. Thank you again for all you have done. :)
    I'm honestly speechless on what else to say. You really did show us so much generosity and did get a lot of things in line that I couldn't even imagine collecting up again in that mindset.
