Tuesday 30 July 2013

Dayum, Baby

Things over here have been incredibly uneventful. We've had crappy weather, lows of +2, highs of +18. BOO! Not to mention if it's not sunny, it's storming and raining. We've been doing a bit of yard work, and yet again, more weed control. Thistles just keep coming up everywhere. On the plus side, the yard is looking really great, minus the deck (it needs a new paint job), the lawn is nice, we're working on the dog pen - making the posts more stable and fixing the chain link - mostly making it more presentable :)

Only one month until Wade and I hit the road for our big trip to Idaho. We've been saving like crazy, so we have some spending money for down there. I cannot wait, and I don't think Wade can either. We're going to do all kinds of stuff, shopping, amusement parks, the beach (assuming it will be nice), dinners out, a day trip to Spokane maybe, depending on how Coeur D'Alene is for shopping. It's going to be great. I've got a very nice tan going on, so I can't wait to get a little darker - assuming our weather smartens up soon. And I can't wait to lay on the beautiful beach where we're going.

On another note, my brother had strep throat last week, and didn't go in to the doctor, so I caught it. Or only a bit of it I guess. Once I felt a sore throat coming on, I was drinking 1-2 green teas, along with my Ganoderma Spore powder, vitamin C/D, and probiotics. In the green tea I'd put a bit of fresh squeezed lemon juice, and some honey, with a little cold water so I could drink it right away. Let me tell you! The tea helped sooth my throat incredibly, and I think that the combination of what I take on a daily basis and the tea really helped the sore throat from developing into strep throat. I've been feeling great, my throat is only sore in the morning - as I have been sleeping with my mouth open so it gets dry.

I'm finding it hard to believe that it's the middle of summer, yet we're having autumn weather. I'm hoping it will take off sometime soon, and return our hot summer weather back to us. I would almost rather be back in BC right now, they're getting +30 weather, makes me really jealous. I'd love to be back floating on the lake, enjoying the sunshine and the quiet surroundings.

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