Friday 5 July 2013

Party Like Cowboyz

As I lay in bed last night, watching the flashes of lightning, listening to the thunder and pounding rain. Every bit about it is soothing to no end. I don't know what it is about thunderstorms that is soothing, especially the ones we've been having lately.

We had a somewhat eventful weekend and week leading up to another eventful weekend. We went camping up in Northern Alberta with some of Wade's family. It was good, Dacia was incredibly behaved until some wind in the storm we had started blowing the tarp around, then she was freaking out. Needless to say, we sat in our tent during the storm with the dogs, they did well, they didn't act scared while we were there.

We came home to find our truck had been broken in to :( :( big downer. So, on Wednesday, I sat in the shop for 2 hours getting the window fixed. Boo! But what do you do? People are dumb and find any need possible to break into someone's vehicle or home, it's beyond ridiculous.

We also had a company BBQ on Wednesday night. Wade got a really nice gift! I'm super stoked about it!

We've got the Benalto Pro Rodeo in town this weekend, we'll be in attendance. This will be our first year, it should be good, I'm excited to see what it's like and how booming this small town can get :) Yay! We cannot wait!! YAY!!

We also got our new fridge today too! That's super exciting, ours leaks all over :( Major pain in the butt! I'm in love with the new fridge, it's great.

On another note, I haven't taken Ganoderma in the last two days to see how my stomach does off of it, and I'm doing GREAT!! Obviously besides being sick.

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