Wednesday 26 June 2013

Give Me A Sign

The one thing I like about the Blogger site, is that it shows you what people are searching on a weekly basis to find your blog. Most people are stumbling upon my blog with searches for information on Ganoderma and Crohn's Disease. As I see more searches that lead to my blog, I will continually update this post, or repost it at a later date or create new ones every month. Hope these help you!

I thought maybe it would be a little helpful to post a bit of a description about what everyone is searching, and how I've noticed it's helped me.

We'll start with;

Ganoderma and Sleep Deprivation - I've been known to have some insomnia, on a very regular basis. I can honestly say that I am sleeping 8 hours a night, and I am waking up feeling well rested. Definitely worth it for just this alone!

Ganoderma Powder - Does it reduce menstrual cramps? - I can honestly say that it does help with menstrual cramps, my back ache isn't as bad, and neither are my cramps! It's truly a pain saver in this sense.

Ganoderma and Crohn's Disease - Honestly, this stuff has also saved me with Crohn's Disease. I've never felt more "normal" in every aspect than I do now. It's been 5 years since I was diagnosed, and 7 since I got sick, and never in that time, until February 2013 did I feel normal, like I didn't need to watch everything I eat, or everything.

Ganoderma and Heart Disease - It is said that over the last 30 years, scientific data has showed that it may be beneficial to you to have take the Ganoderma capsules or beverages on a daily basis, it should prove to help you.

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