Wednesday 19 June 2013

Keep Your Head Up

It dawned on me this morning that I have a blog about Crohn's Disease, as I have Crohn's, and I hardly write about it - that being said, it's entirely because my Crohn's is under control. :) I figured it was time to write a big post on Crohn's Disease. Since I'm from Canada, my information will be off of Canadian websites.

The one thing I am noticing about anywhere I'm looking - medical websites or Crohn's Disease Foundation websites - I'm seeing that they never list diet as a way to manage your Crohn's. 

I'm finding this information in an FAQ section;
Does diet affect Crohn's or IBD?
Diet alone is not effective in treating Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis. However, it is important that patients with IBD have a well-balanced diet. Calcium is important to protect bones. Fibre may not be tolerated during flare ups. Certain vitamins (for example, B12) may be required. Selected patients may sometimes be helped by a registered dietitian.

I'd like to put this out there - I've had Crohn's Disease since 2006, diagnosed in 2007 (for those of you who are just joining) - I have controlled my Crohn's strictly with...dun dun dun...DIET. I've only been on medications once, yes, you read that right, ONCE. I was on Prednisone and antibiotics for a total of 3 weeks in 2010 for a flare up. I took Acidopholus on a daily basis for about 2 years, well, almost right up until I started using the Ganoderma Products. That alone, with my diet was enough to control Crohn's.

Now, obviously not everyone can go off of their medications, or control their disease with diet and exercise. I also realize that controlling your disease by your diet, is not a medical way to control it, but ask yourself this, "Would I rather; pump my system full of drugs that deteriorate my cartilage and bones? Or try to control Crohn's with my diet first, then opt for medications?" I am not saying that you've never asked yourself this question, but doctors opt to giving you medication almost instantaneously. I told my doc flat out, "I don't want medication". He looked at me like I was crazy. Ultimately it's your decision to choose the way you manage your life and your disease.

I'm continually happy with my decision to control Crohn's by diet and exercise. I bike, jog, and walk throughout the week for my exercise. Anything that bugs my stomach joins the avoids list, and I don't eat it anymore. My list of avoids isn't actually as big as I thought it was initially, and it's only getting smaller since my trials of Ganoderma Lucidum products (as you can see in my last post, Invincible) I'm slowly introducing myself to food that I haven't been able to eat, in literally, years. The best part is, they no longer bug me. I'm hoping that with a few more months of the Ganoderma, I'll be able to eat almost everything I couldn't eat before. I can eat pepperoni on pizza now, I never could before. The only thing is, some of it, things that I used to love, after not eating them for years, I've never craved them. With the exception of oranges. I crave them all the time, they were one of my favourite fruits. Soon enough, I'm going to attempt eating them, and hope for the best.

I'm all for trial and error, I'd rather try something once than not try it at all. That's how I felt about starting Ganoderma. Trial and error, I didn't think it would have this amazing of an effect on my system. I've never felt more "regular" than I do now, and I'm not just talking bowel movements here. But I can actually go to a restaurant and not be picky about what I can and cannot have. I cannot wait for date night :)

Again, I circle back to how lucky I am to have Wade. I think it threw him off a bit when I told him I had a potentially debilitating disease, that could require multiple surgeries, a life full of hospitalizations, medications, bone deteriorations, all that kind of stuff, but I have to give him credit. He's here, he worries sometimes, not so much now mind you, but he's conscious of everything I do and eat. I thank him for that. I truly hope that the Ganoderma is going to cure my Crohn's, it feels like it's begun already. Your life changes in every aspect with a disease like Crohn's. Take what you can get, and control it the best you can without the damaging effects of everything else.

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