Wednesday 19 June 2013

Ten Times Crazier

Did Ya Know??

In Canada there are 200,000 people affected by Crohn's Disease. There are also at least 9,000 new Crohn's Disease patients a year!

There's over $1.8 billion spent by individuals, families, and society for Crohn's treatment. This is insane, and is more than the USA

$753 million was spent by health care coverage - this includes; hospitalization, physician visits, medications, and surgeries.

And to top off those large amounts of money - IBD incures more than $1 billion a year in indirect costs. These costs include long and short term work absences, productivity losses, caregiver work absences and patient out-of-pocket expenses related to care, nutritional products, medication, and complementary therapies.

Trying to conceive is more difficult when your Crohn's is active. When it's in remission, you could be one of the lucky people who are just like the average person and conceive easily, or you still may have many issues with fertility due to Crohn's.

People with Crohn's are at a higher risk of Cancer, any cancer to do with the digestive track. Think about it, that's a lot.

So not only are you at risk for all of these kinds of things, or putting out large amounts of money, but your personal relationships and intimacy may be burden more than any significant other can tolerate. I guess, I shouldn't say tolerate, but more than what they bargain for, and for some people, they don't want to be involved with someone who has a disease like Crohn's. :( It's incredibly unfortunate when that happens.

Stress affects Crohn's, food affects it, illness affects it, hell, even scented products affect you! Anything and everything you do puts you at a higher risk to aggravate your disease. It changes you, your moods, your weight, obviously your health, your relationships - some grow stronger, some grow weaker and dissipate - you change. Everything about you, but the only way to make you stay as much of you as possible, is being positive, being around the people who love you and who want to be beside you, who want to comfort you and surround you with love and compassion, and care for you. Don't let those people leave your side.

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