Thursday 6 June 2013


I haven't written in a while, not much has been going on. Mostly, it's been raining here, but now it's getting to be sunnier and warm :) YAY! The neighbour has been gone, so I haven't had anything to report there. I'm assuming he's been gone to work, and I'm hoping that he goes away again very soon. We have our Gutsy Walk this weekend, and we're celebrating Wade's birthday, along with my brother's as Fay, Wade's mom will be here.

I've been working on budgeting and getting everything sorted out for us as we're going to be gone from home for 3 weeks this summer, and Wade won't be getting paid for them. So, why not start budgeting, and stay on budget? It seems easy, I'm home throughout the day, and can keep track of everything. I'm super excited for our camping trips. I've got a binder put together, and I'm going to make some envelopes together that have us budgeted for groceries, shopping, nights out, farmers market, and any "extra" spending.

I've been sick the last few days. I've had a lymph node infection, which has infected the skin on my chin, and I've also got TMJ in my jaw. So I haven't been speaking much lately, well I've been trying to cut down on it. It's been great...NOT!

We had a nasty wind storm yesterday, which is what this post is titled after. Our neighbours, which Wade happens to know as he went to school with the one girl, anyways their trampoline with net and all went sailing out into the middle of the cul de sac yesterday in the wind! It was unbelievable. Had they not been paying attention and went running after it, it would have hit probably 4 vehicles if it went all the way across the cul de sac. We went out to help, it was tough to pull back to their yard and secure it to a tree so we weren't running after it yet again! Hopefully all things are well now, I need to bring my planters back out so they get some sun!

My Crohn's has been absolutely incredible, I've had no issues, even with being on antibiotics that are supposed to be hard on the stomach. I've been taking Mycelium and Spore Powder, one of each a day. I've never felt better. I've also started jogging, so I'm hoping that will help my energy levels :)

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