Thursday 30 May 2013


I'm sitting here listening to "Then" by Brad Paisley, not only does it excite me to be going to his concert in October, but it reminds me of mine and Wade's "kinda first date"

Truthfully there are a lot of songs that make me remember certain events or things that have happened in life, or songs that I link to memories. It's something I've done for a long time, it's an easy way for me to remember life events, and associate a song that describes how I was feeling during that event. 

Wade and I had only known each other for about two weeks, with a few days of constant conversation via text, Facebook or in person when he wasn't working. He asked me if I would go with him to pick up hay in Creston. I had the day off that he had to go, and totally wanted to go, it meant I got to spend time with the guy I was crushing big time on. He was beside himself when I said I would go with him, and I was so excited. There were two songs that we both sang to on the drive, something neither of us did with other people, Wade told me that on the drive back. Second Chance by Shinedown is the other song. 

Anyways, Wade was so kind, he bought me Subway for lunch. He had a BLT with lots of ranch and mayo (two of his favourite things), and I had a turkey breast and ham, heavy on the cucumbers! We sang Second Chance quietly to each other on the way there, I am not a loud singer unless I'm alone, and Wade really wasn't a singer at all he had expressed to me. He was surprised with himself. On the way back, "Then" came on, the songs were on shuffle. I had only heard the song a few times, as I didn't listen to much country music at the time, but the lyrics came naturally. I'm not sure what it was that drew me into this song, and drew me into singing it with Wade, whether it was quietly or not. We were both singing, looking out the window, but the words, the tone it set, and where we were at in our friendship, made the song and the lyrics feel so right, and so totally true. 

Every time this song comes on the radio, or through shuffle on iTunes, I think of this memory. Of the way I was feeling, the things I was thinking and feeling, the way Wade was with me, all of it into one. This drive was an extreme "get to know each other" kind of drive. Wade told me a lot about himself and I told him so much about myself. It was good to connect with someone like that, only knowing them for a short time period, but learning and feeling so much for one person so quickly, it's one feeling I'll never forget. It was overwhelming, but so incredibly comforting at the same time. So many things drew me to this amazing man, so many little things that now, make me smile and think about when I first met him. Things that make me have that rush of feelings and emotions again, it still overwhelms me, but comforts me at the same time, I know he's mine now, and I'm here to stay, I wouldn't trade anything in the world for what I have with him. 

It's amazing when you find someone who does all of this for you. 

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