Friday 17 May 2013

Scream and Shout

Not a whole lot has been going on. I've started the Hip Hop Abs workout program. I'm on day 2 of 30. I'm liking it so far so I think it'll be a good program for me! I'm excited, it's a pretty neat program, and it involves dancing which I like doing whether or not I'm good at it.

We had a plumber in yesterday, sure enough there's issues with the pipes under the ground (nothing will be at our cost)! We have tree roots invading the pipes. He said we're incredibly lucky that it's taken this long for our pipes to block up and back up into the bath tub! I however, don't feel lucky at all, because now everything stinks! It is in the process through the manager to have the pipes ripped up and replaced - this is a one full day adventure for the plumbers - so we will see what happens. Now that we can use water, I can finally clean everything, we didn't have water for 3 days, so one could say our house is a mess. The kitchen is almost clean, then I'm on to the bathroom. Nothing is more satisfying than a clean house.

We are going to the farmers market this weekend, it's opening weekend and I cannot wait. Next weekend we're going to BC to see my God daughter and some family. The weekend after that we're doing something here for my brother's big 21 birthday! Then the weekend after that, nothing, but following it is Wade's 24 birthday. July long weekend we're headed to BC again for my little cousins graduation, I can't believe she's already graduating! And two weeks after that we're off to BC again for 10 days for my friends wedding! YAY! I can't wait, it will be a good time :) We're going to be super busy, with all of this, doing work outside (another new set of stairs), re-doing the railing on the deck, all of that fun stuff. Everything happens in the summer, which is great, traveling in the winter kind of sucks, due to weather and road conditions.

Sometimes we're so busy that I just want to scream and shout. I love summer because it is so busy, and I've already got a tan (my mom is jealous) :D Most people know that getting a tan as a red head is difficult because of our pale complexion, well, every few years I go through a stage where I will burn and it will turn to a tan, or I'll just tan. Most years I just burn and peel but this year is going to be different as my first burn left me pretty cherry tomato red, and now I'm pretty golden brown :) Hope the weather is nice for everyone!

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