Wednesday 1 May 2013

Trail In Life

I wanted all of my readers to know that KP has ventured off on her own, she's started her own blog :) Here is the link:

Well, there were a few mishaps in our household last night. One involved Wade and one involved my brother.

Wade has the Tower 200 exercise mechanism, and he was installing it in our shed for personal use, as there's not much room in any of the bedrooms to have it hanging on the doors. He had it secured, or thought he had, and went to give it a test run, needless to say a piece of the metal frame slid off and smashed him in the nose. (Keep in mind I was queasy all day yesterday) I was laying on the couch because I hadn't been feeling good all day, when Wade came in, his hands were soaked in blood, blood was dripping all over the floor and then the kitchen sink! He has a gash along the one side of his nose, and his nose was bleeding a lot from the impact, nothing broken though (thank god). So, he's dizzy from the trauma, I'm dizzy from all the blood, could you imagine me trying to bandage up his nose? Needless to say he was sitting in a chair, and I was kneeling, as the air was "too thin" standing. It's all bandaged up and steri stripped, and he's off at work.

Now for my poor brother! We use baby gates to block the hallway off from the dogs, they have a habit of going into the bathroom and digging all of the garbage out and destroying it. Anyways, back to my brother, he was carrying his dinner down to his room as he was playing in a few games online, and went to step over the baby gate but didn't make it all the way, he managed to save almost all of his dinner, only lost a few fried mushrooms, but smashed his bad shoulder into the wall :( - it had been hurt in a car accident - and now it's sore again :(

One could say our house has seen enough mishap for a while now! I don't know that I can stomach any more blood! Today I'm not quite as queasy but I am incredibly tired still, just like I was yesterday! Not sure what's up!

I wish KP well on her new blogging adventure :) Thanks for joining my blog, even though it was short lived, I'll continually read yours :) Enjoy your blogging experience KP

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