Friday 10 May 2013

Crash My Party

The last few days I haven't been feeling good, so I haven't been doing much, including not writing posts! Sorry guys! I would like to thank everyone who does read my blog, from all over the world! It is truly appreciated!

I've been taking the Ganoderma Lucidum and Mycelium capsules now (1 a day) since April 6, 2013. I can honestly say that my Crohn's Disease has been completely under control. It's never been better actually. It's one less thing I have to worry about on a daily basis, which to anyone who is living with Crohn's, and you're looking for a bathroom in every public place you go to, I haven't had that problem in over a month now. You know what it's like, anyone with IBS, or something similar. It's not something you want to deal with on a daily basis but are absolutely forced to. I truly wish I could get every one of you trying these products, they would be worth your while and worth your money. I really do encourage everyone to give Organo Gold's products a try, even if it's only for a few days, you will notice a difference!

I've been having ridiculously vivid dreams still. Almost every night, and I've hardly been sleeping, sometimes I'm only getting about 4 hours of sleep, I'm really not sure what is up with that. We shall find out soon I would imagine. I'm just hoping it all straightens out and I can go back to being me, not someone who is constantly tired or needing a nap! (And grumpy)

I've also been downloading some new music, and a few new movies. Today I watched "Safe Haven". I have to say, I absolutely love Nicholas Sparks' books, and I really love the movies too! Safe Haven made me think a lot, about how much I love my life, the things I'm doing, the places I'm going, the things Wade and I are experiencing or doing together. Before I met him, I really didn't do much, didn't go to concerts or anything. I mostly went out drinking to a local bar with some friends, that's about all my life consisted of, that and work/college. He's changed my life in so many ways, the best ways possible.

We have a fire ban no in all of the area, no camp fires, no anything. It's so dry here that they're even advising people to not leave their ATV's idling in one spot for too long as the heat from the exhaust may cause the grass to catch fire! - I'm thinking of making s'mores on the BBQ, you put the chocolate and marshmallow in between your graham crackers, wrap it in foil, and put them on the BBQ! I was really hoping to have a fire this weekend, but I guess we'll just be working on tidying the yard, getting crap put away and organized (on the account of our creepy neighbour, everything will be locked up), getting my suntan on, putting up a privacy screen (so I can tan in my bikini), and maybe even going in our pool! This fire ban has really put a damper on our fire having plans, and has crashed our party!

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