Thursday 26 December 2013

It's Your World

I've reached 100 posts! Yay, for me this is a milestone!

There's not much going on! Christmas was great here, we spent it with my mom and Wade's family! Had a nice dinner, exchanged gifts, just chatted! It was what Christmas should be like.

Wade has the time off of work, he's had all week off, he has a day of work tomorrow and gets next week off as well, but might try and put a few hours in at the shop! I think he's getting bored...Doesn't surprise me, he's a busy body. I am enjoying having him home though, it's been fantastic. We sleep in together, it's not just me sleeping in while he gets up for work. We walk the dogs, work out, cook and bake together, we even clean the house together! It's so much better doing stuff together than it is apart (I have a short attention span)

On another note! I'm proud to announce that I've just launched my first website! You read that right! I've started working towards becoming a Wedding & Event Planner! I have 3 clients so far, and launched my website in hopes of building my company further. Click below to check it out!

The dogs are being brats as per usual, keeping us on our toes! Keeping us up late and getting us up early - that's right 8am is sleeping in, in our household!

Hope all of my readers have had a wonderful Christmas! I truly hope that 2014 brings us ALL some fantastic new memories, stories, and SO much more than 2013 brought us!

30 Things - Strengths

Describe 5 Strengths You Have.

Click here to the original post.

1. I am strong willed. I will fight for what I want, and I will get it in the end, no matter how hard the fight is.

2. I'm a rock. I can hide emotion, keep strong, and be there for people no matter how much I am hurting, someone will need you more than you need yourself at some point.

3. I'm a great listener. I can listen to your problems, ideas, inspirations, and I can encourage you!

4. I'm knowledgable in most aspects of life (this is coming from a friend). I've been through a lot in life and can offer guidance, advice and knowledge throughout almost anything you approach me with.

5. I like writing, not particularly by hand, but on the computer, blogs, text messaging or emails. I am a good person for keeping in contact with those who put the effort in as well!

Thursday 19 December 2013

30 Things - Weaknesses

Describe 5 Weaknesses You Have.

Click here to the original post.

1. Trusting People. I can find a way to trust almost any person, whether said person should be someone who is trusted or not.

2. I'm finding out, more now than ever, that I'm that person that goes the extra mile for anyone and everyone. With this, I'm finding that I'm getting hurt, disappointed and let down, more now than ever. This is a weakness because no one goes that extra mile for me, so why should I go continue to go that extra mile and just end up hurt?

3. I'm too nice. I need to "grow a pair" and not be so nice to pretty well everyone I meet or talk to.

4. I over think and over analyze everything. I make things out to be almost 10 times worse than it actually is, except in a few cases. In a way this is a weakness, but to an extent it's also something good because half of the time, everything isn't as bad as I had thought it up to be.

5. I stress. I stress about almost everything in life. Finances, even though they're good. Family, friends, life, driving (especially in the winter), it's all so stressful, and I try to help myself, but a lot of the time I can't.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

30 Things - Typical Day

Describe A Typical Day In Your Current Life.

Click here to the original post.

A typical day in the life of Lindsay. Not much happens in my days.

I get up with Wade almost every morning, help him with his lunch and make him breakfast, see him out the door, and depending on the day, I go back to sleep, or I stay up. We have a whole morning routine with the dogs, so my mornings are quiet if I stay up. Once I'm up for the day, I get ready, have breakfast and feed the dogs. Let them outside, get annoyed with their constant bickering over bones. (This is an ALL day thing)

I usually go into town 3-4 times a week to clean at my clients houses. The rest of my time I'm watching movies, doing stuff around the house, scrapbooking, reading, doing some online marketing for Organo Gold, Wedding Planning, or House Cleaning Services!

I start dinner when Wade says he's on his way, usually it takes him about an hour to get home, I feed the dogs, and they go outside again. When Wade gets home we eat, workout, shower, catch up on our PVR'd shows, clean up the kitchen and then head to bed to do it all over again :)

30 Things - Pet Peeves

Describe 10 Pet Peeves

Click here to the original post.

1. People who chew with their mouth open - I feel like this is incredibly self explanatory!

2. Ladies or Gents who wear PJ pants, "lounge" pants or sweat pants out in public and feel that it is completely ok.

3. Drivers who fail to use a signal light for the drivers ahead of or behind them. This is just plain dumb, no wonder there are so many accidents.

4. Lovely people, who feel it is necessary to talk on the phone while at a cashier - whether it be a gas station, grocery store, clothing store, or whatever other kind of store - it is still rude!!

5. Lazy people in the winter who cannot A). Turn on their headlights when it's dusk, raining or snowing hard, B). Brush the snow OFF of their vehicle so that it can be seen (and I'm not just talking the windshield), there are fines for these people, and I wish they were handed out more!

6. When people don't use their manners and say the simple "please" or "thank you" when you do something nice for them, or they need you to do something nice for them.

7. People who don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze, and I mean it's REALLY easy!

8. When you're on a buy/sell site, arrange to meet with someone at said place at said time, and THEY don't show up, that really ticks you off!

9. People who can't clean up after themselves, whether it be they eat at your house (friends or family) and they can't put their dish anywhere near the sink, dishwasher, or counter...

10. When people ask you for a beverage at your house, alcohol, pop, juice, whatever it may be, insist on a large glass, then proceed to LEAVE half of it in said glass, and don't do anything with it...what a waste! Ask for a small glass, and have seconds if needed.

30 Things - Embarrassing Moment

Describe Your Most Embarrassing Moment

Click here to the original post.

Well well. I've pondered this post for a while, trying to think of my most embarrassing moment (that I'm willing to share) and well, I think yesterday's blood test takes the cake...

For whatever reason, whenever it comes to getting needles (my tattoos were different though), I come close to, or do faint. It's worse when it comes to having blood drawn, or having an IV put in my hand or my arm. It's not that I look at the needles, or the blood for that matter, but something about it just creeps me out, and really makes me dizzy.

Yesterday was by FAR the worst, so far in my 23 (almost 24) years. They had to take 10 vials, with me fasting for at least 8 hours because they were checking my blood glucose levels as well. I slept in late, until 9:30-9:45am, so I could get up, go and get my blood drawn and then go to my hair appointment. By this time, it had been about 14 hours since I had eaten, once I got to the lab. My stomach was rumbling, I don't like labs, or needles.

I sat down in the chair, went about playing games on my phone as a distraction and asked the lab tech about her Christmas plans and other easily distractive conversation topics. She then proceeded to say, "I just need to figure out what all of these are for" - talking about the 10 vials she was prepping and putting labels on. WELL, for one, you can't say that to someone who has a fear of needles, that's just asking them to faint in your chair! That was the tipping point, I had been good up until then. She tied off my left arm and couldn't find a vein, so she double tied my right arm and was able to find one. At 7 vials I started feeling dizzy, and asked her how many were left, and she said 2. That's the last thing I remember besides another lady lifting up my head, trying to wake me up. Now, my arm hurts, I'm assuming because I went limp and the lab tech had a hard time keeping my arm steady, so the needle was wiggled around in my arm! (Thankfully this wasn't while I was awake, because THAT hurts!) I had a cold glass of water, a cold cloth put on my neck, the stars went away, I got up (despite being asked 15 times if I was sure I was ok), and drove to my hair appointment. Then, inhaled a large container of left over stew, blueberry pecan clusters, and a massive handful of pecans. My hair dresser was impressed.

Hopefully, the blood tests are done for a while.

Ready Set Roll

It's been a while since I last posted. Still haven't given away a FREE box of our Organo Gold products :( That sucks.

Life has been busy here, and there always seems to be a lot going on. We've been having nice warm temperatures (+5), but now it's starting to get colder again and we're getting even more snow. I don't even know how much snow we have, but it's a lot! Over 2 feet for sure.

I've booked a few weddings, 3 day of coordinations, and one who needs day of coordination and help with some aspects of the planning as well! I meet with her this week! I'm really thrilled for this opportunity! I'm really hoping I can get a few more weddings or events going to add to my slowly getting busy summer!

I've been going through some fertility tests, everything is normal though :( Had 10 vials of blood drawn yesterday after 8+ hours of fasting, and lets just say that didn't go over so well, I ended up fainting in the chair. We have a "results" appointment with the specialist on December 31, and hopefully he will give us some insight, good news, and renew all hope. Crohn's Disease has been a little rough the last few weeks because we've been under a lot of stress and pressure with everything that's going on.

Wade's work is keeping him super busy, he's usually gone by 7, and home shortly before 7. So we eat, do our workouts, and go to bed. Which most nights is completely fine as we're both exhausted anyways :) sometimes we tough it out and watch a tv show or a movie.
Representing Wade's new company, with my snazzy new hat!!

With it being Christmas time, all of our gifts are purchased, wrapped and under the tree. My mom is coming out on Friday, and then we all head to my mother in laws, Fay's, for Christmas with her, and my brother and sister in law this weekend. It'll be great to see my mom, she'll be out for a few days, the 20-24 anyways, so that will be great. We can probably get some shopping in and hang out for a while. My brother won't be coming out since he has pneumonia, and we don't want his germs to get us.