Thursday 19 December 2013

30 Things - Weaknesses

Describe 5 Weaknesses You Have.

Click here to the original post.

1. Trusting People. I can find a way to trust almost any person, whether said person should be someone who is trusted or not.

2. I'm finding out, more now than ever, that I'm that person that goes the extra mile for anyone and everyone. With this, I'm finding that I'm getting hurt, disappointed and let down, more now than ever. This is a weakness because no one goes that extra mile for me, so why should I go continue to go that extra mile and just end up hurt?

3. I'm too nice. I need to "grow a pair" and not be so nice to pretty well everyone I meet or talk to.

4. I over think and over analyze everything. I make things out to be almost 10 times worse than it actually is, except in a few cases. In a way this is a weakness, but to an extent it's also something good because half of the time, everything isn't as bad as I had thought it up to be.

5. I stress. I stress about almost everything in life. Finances, even though they're good. Family, friends, life, driving (especially in the winter), it's all so stressful, and I try to help myself, but a lot of the time I can't.

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