Wednesday 18 December 2013

30 Things - Embarrassing Moment

Describe Your Most Embarrassing Moment

Click here to the original post.

Well well. I've pondered this post for a while, trying to think of my most embarrassing moment (that I'm willing to share) and well, I think yesterday's blood test takes the cake...

For whatever reason, whenever it comes to getting needles (my tattoos were different though), I come close to, or do faint. It's worse when it comes to having blood drawn, or having an IV put in my hand or my arm. It's not that I look at the needles, or the blood for that matter, but something about it just creeps me out, and really makes me dizzy.

Yesterday was by FAR the worst, so far in my 23 (almost 24) years. They had to take 10 vials, with me fasting for at least 8 hours because they were checking my blood glucose levels as well. I slept in late, until 9:30-9:45am, so I could get up, go and get my blood drawn and then go to my hair appointment. By this time, it had been about 14 hours since I had eaten, once I got to the lab. My stomach was rumbling, I don't like labs, or needles.

I sat down in the chair, went about playing games on my phone as a distraction and asked the lab tech about her Christmas plans and other easily distractive conversation topics. She then proceeded to say, "I just need to figure out what all of these are for" - talking about the 10 vials she was prepping and putting labels on. WELL, for one, you can't say that to someone who has a fear of needles, that's just asking them to faint in your chair! That was the tipping point, I had been good up until then. She tied off my left arm and couldn't find a vein, so she double tied my right arm and was able to find one. At 7 vials I started feeling dizzy, and asked her how many were left, and she said 2. That's the last thing I remember besides another lady lifting up my head, trying to wake me up. Now, my arm hurts, I'm assuming because I went limp and the lab tech had a hard time keeping my arm steady, so the needle was wiggled around in my arm! (Thankfully this wasn't while I was awake, because THAT hurts!) I had a cold glass of water, a cold cloth put on my neck, the stars went away, I got up (despite being asked 15 times if I was sure I was ok), and drove to my hair appointment. Then, inhaled a large container of left over stew, blueberry pecan clusters, and a massive handful of pecans. My hair dresser was impressed.

Hopefully, the blood tests are done for a while.

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