Wednesday 26 June 2013

Give Me A Sign

The one thing I like about the Blogger site, is that it shows you what people are searching on a weekly basis to find your blog. Most people are stumbling upon my blog with searches for information on Ganoderma and Crohn's Disease. As I see more searches that lead to my blog, I will continually update this post, or repost it at a later date or create new ones every month. Hope these help you!

I thought maybe it would be a little helpful to post a bit of a description about what everyone is searching, and how I've noticed it's helped me.

We'll start with;

Ganoderma and Sleep Deprivation - I've been known to have some insomnia, on a very regular basis. I can honestly say that I am sleeping 8 hours a night, and I am waking up feeling well rested. Definitely worth it for just this alone!

Ganoderma Powder - Does it reduce menstrual cramps? - I can honestly say that it does help with menstrual cramps, my back ache isn't as bad, and neither are my cramps! It's truly a pain saver in this sense.

Ganoderma and Crohn's Disease - Honestly, this stuff has also saved me with Crohn's Disease. I've never felt more "normal" in every aspect than I do now. It's been 5 years since I was diagnosed, and 7 since I got sick, and never in that time, until February 2013 did I feel normal, like I didn't need to watch everything I eat, or everything.

Ganoderma and Heart Disease - It is said that over the last 30 years, scientific data has showed that it may be beneficial to you to have take the Ganoderma capsules or beverages on a daily basis, it should prove to help you.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Nothing But Summer

So, with all of this flooding that happened, that washed out every road almost to BC, without making the drive over 12 hours and 1200km, and potentially unsafe...We won't be going to my cousins graduation in Revelstoke :( :( This is extremely saddening for us as I couldn't wait to see my little cousin graduate this weekend. We feel completely terrible that we can't make it safely.

With our luck, we'd get stuck out there because we'd get more rain and the road closures would increase and we wouldn't be able to make it home. As sad as we are, I would rather be safe at home, than risk our safety and maybe lives by driving out there. I will say that we are SO PROUD of my darling cousin, she's incredible, smart, talented, and determined. She will do great things in her life. We're proud of her of accomplishments and cannot wait to see what she achieves in her future.

Happy Graduation Hunn!

On another note, I think we will just be camping in the yard this weekend, having a fire, using the new BBQ, sleeping in the tent. If we can't go camping in BC, we may as well camp in the yard considering everywhere around here is completely booked up :(  Things will get better, once the roads aren't closed anymore, we have a trip booked to BC from July 13-21 and I cannot wait. One of my close friends is getting married, we will help my mom clean, organize, and throw stuff out at her house, and best of all we will be camping at the BEST place on earth. I will not disclose where. :) We got a sunburn on the weekend, it's turning into a tan, so we're getting that much more tanned and ready for summer. We sit outside in our chairs with the dogs, throw some frisbee for them, lay on a blanket and suntan, and apparently suntan with the small dog. She wanted to come and lay with me on the blanket on Saturday.

Friday 21 June 2013

Red River Blue

Things are getting crazy here. Poor Calgary and Southern Alberta. They're saying there's a lot more people being reported missing. Houses are completely submerged, being taken away in the water, flooded, and basically just destroyed. There's a lot of flooding throughout the Kootenay's too, my home. Everywhere is flooding, it's insane and completely sad. My friend and I drove into Red Deer today, to check out the river, as it's supposed to be at it's maximum levels, and they're actually evacuating people that live close, or leaving them on an evacuation notice. It's sad to see the news, to see peoples houses rushing down this big river, damaging bridges, seeing people being rescued by helicopters because they can't get anywhere.

I really wish there was something more I could do to help people, but there's been ridiculous amounts of rain and flooding, and I really don't think that there's anything more that anyone can do to help them. Nothing that untrained people can do besides offer their homes to people who have been evacuated. There are 1200 Canadian troops on their way to Calgary now, to help evacuate and save stranded people.

Everyone, pray for the people of Southern Alberta and the people in the Kootenay's. I hope that everyone is getting to a safe place, and is staying where it's safe. Everything is crazy, have emergency kits available, and everything important ready to go in case something like this does happen. My thoughts are with everyone.

They're supposed to get more rain as well, that won't help, they have a rainfall warning for another 100mm of rain in the next day or two. I want to go and check out the Dickson Dam, they're supposed to be letting out more water than they currently are letting out.

I have our emergency kit ready to go, you never know what's going to happen, not at the rate things are going now. We're safe here for now, we don't have any streams, rivers or creeks close to our house, so we should be good, but I would rather be prepared than not.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Every Storm (Runs Out Of Rain)

I'm not sure how many of you watch the news or look into Canada's weather but we're currently getting hit with a ton of rain! There are a bunch of small towns where people are being evacuated because there's so much rain that all creeks, streams, and rivers are getting so high that they're threatening peoples homes. It's not safe out there at all. Some places were to get 150mm of rain or more. It's unbelievable. It's scary too, because now there's missing people after their trailer was swept away in the river :( Every storm has to run out of rain sooner or later! People are being evacuated by helicopter and highways and bridges have washed out. It's getting serious out there.

That's the downside of this weather. On the plus side, it's going to hopefully help everyone's gardens and plants once it finally decides to be sunny and warm, which will hopefully be soon :)

We haven't really gotten a ton of rain, or it doesn't seem like it. It's raining, but it's more of a sprinkle than a downpour like some places south of us are getting. It's going to help my garden and flowers.

I don't know that we will be affected anymore than a bit of a swampy yard, as we don't really have any rivers, creeks, or streams right close to where we live. Our back yard dog pen gets really wet and horrible, to the point that our dogs refuse to go outside because basically, it's just a big muddy swamp! I don't blame them either, it's gross.

On the plus side, today makes for a great movie day/do nothing day. Although, despite the rain, I feel like I should be camping, with a tarp over head and a campfire going, having hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows. That to me sounds like a great rainy day, not that I'm complaining about being able to have a simple stay inside and watch movies kind of day :) Either way, I have to go out to the deep freeze at some point and get some meat out of there for dinner tonight, it's out in our shed, FYI. It's not a long ways, but when it's raining, and slippery, and chilly, it takes FOREVER.

I hope that wherever you are as readers, you're not getting hammered by the rain as badly as we are, and that you're all staying safe if you are. Thanks for getting me up to 2500 page views from all over the world. It's appreciated. Is there anything anyone would like me to report on?

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Ten Times Crazier

Did Ya Know??

In Canada there are 200,000 people affected by Crohn's Disease. There are also at least 9,000 new Crohn's Disease patients a year!

There's over $1.8 billion spent by individuals, families, and society for Crohn's treatment. This is insane, and is more than the USA

$753 million was spent by health care coverage - this includes; hospitalization, physician visits, medications, and surgeries.

And to top off those large amounts of money - IBD incures more than $1 billion a year in indirect costs. These costs include long and short term work absences, productivity losses, caregiver work absences and patient out-of-pocket expenses related to care, nutritional products, medication, and complementary therapies.

Trying to conceive is more difficult when your Crohn's is active. When it's in remission, you could be one of the lucky people who are just like the average person and conceive easily, or you still may have many issues with fertility due to Crohn's.

People with Crohn's are at a higher risk of Cancer, any cancer to do with the digestive track. Think about it, that's a lot.

So not only are you at risk for all of these kinds of things, or putting out large amounts of money, but your personal relationships and intimacy may be burden more than any significant other can tolerate. I guess, I shouldn't say tolerate, but more than what they bargain for, and for some people, they don't want to be involved with someone who has a disease like Crohn's. :( It's incredibly unfortunate when that happens.

Stress affects Crohn's, food affects it, illness affects it, hell, even scented products affect you! Anything and everything you do puts you at a higher risk to aggravate your disease. It changes you, your moods, your weight, obviously your health, your relationships - some grow stronger, some grow weaker and dissipate - you change. Everything about you, but the only way to make you stay as much of you as possible, is being positive, being around the people who love you and who want to be beside you, who want to comfort you and surround you with love and compassion, and care for you. Don't let those people leave your side.

Keep Your Head Up

It dawned on me this morning that I have a blog about Crohn's Disease, as I have Crohn's, and I hardly write about it - that being said, it's entirely because my Crohn's is under control. :) I figured it was time to write a big post on Crohn's Disease. Since I'm from Canada, my information will be off of Canadian websites.

The one thing I am noticing about anywhere I'm looking - medical websites or Crohn's Disease Foundation websites - I'm seeing that they never list diet as a way to manage your Crohn's. 

I'm finding this information in an FAQ section;
Does diet affect Crohn's or IBD?
Diet alone is not effective in treating Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis. However, it is important that patients with IBD have a well-balanced diet. Calcium is important to protect bones. Fibre may not be tolerated during flare ups. Certain vitamins (for example, B12) may be required. Selected patients may sometimes be helped by a registered dietitian.

I'd like to put this out there - I've had Crohn's Disease since 2006, diagnosed in 2007 (for those of you who are just joining) - I have controlled my Crohn's strictly with...dun dun dun...DIET. I've only been on medications once, yes, you read that right, ONCE. I was on Prednisone and antibiotics for a total of 3 weeks in 2010 for a flare up. I took Acidopholus on a daily basis for about 2 years, well, almost right up until I started using the Ganoderma Products. That alone, with my diet was enough to control Crohn's.

Now, obviously not everyone can go off of their medications, or control their disease with diet and exercise. I also realize that controlling your disease by your diet, is not a medical way to control it, but ask yourself this, "Would I rather; pump my system full of drugs that deteriorate my cartilage and bones? Or try to control Crohn's with my diet first, then opt for medications?" I am not saying that you've never asked yourself this question, but doctors opt to giving you medication almost instantaneously. I told my doc flat out, "I don't want medication". He looked at me like I was crazy. Ultimately it's your decision to choose the way you manage your life and your disease.

I'm continually happy with my decision to control Crohn's by diet and exercise. I bike, jog, and walk throughout the week for my exercise. Anything that bugs my stomach joins the avoids list, and I don't eat it anymore. My list of avoids isn't actually as big as I thought it was initially, and it's only getting smaller since my trials of Ganoderma Lucidum products (as you can see in my last post, Invincible) I'm slowly introducing myself to food that I haven't been able to eat, in literally, years. The best part is, they no longer bug me. I'm hoping that with a few more months of the Ganoderma, I'll be able to eat almost everything I couldn't eat before. I can eat pepperoni on pizza now, I never could before. The only thing is, some of it, things that I used to love, after not eating them for years, I've never craved them. With the exception of oranges. I crave them all the time, they were one of my favourite fruits. Soon enough, I'm going to attempt eating them, and hope for the best.

I'm all for trial and error, I'd rather try something once than not try it at all. That's how I felt about starting Ganoderma. Trial and error, I didn't think it would have this amazing of an effect on my system. I've never felt more "regular" than I do now, and I'm not just talking bowel movements here. But I can actually go to a restaurant and not be picky about what I can and cannot have. I cannot wait for date night :)

Again, I circle back to how lucky I am to have Wade. I think it threw him off a bit when I told him I had a potentially debilitating disease, that could require multiple surgeries, a life full of hospitalizations, medications, bone deteriorations, all that kind of stuff, but I have to give him credit. He's here, he worries sometimes, not so much now mind you, but he's conscious of everything I do and eat. I thank him for that. I truly hope that the Ganoderma is going to cure my Crohn's, it feels like it's begun already. Your life changes in every aspect with a disease like Crohn's. Take what you can get, and control it the best you can without the damaging effects of everything else.

Monday 17 June 2013


I figured it was time to update my eat/avoids list in a way that you don't have check previous posts. I can now eat a few more things that I wasn't able to eat before. All thanks to the Ganoderma capsules that I'm taking.

With taking the capsules, and the drinks, usually about one per day, sometimes two though. I'm really enjoying the Mocha, and making Iced Mocha. So delicious.

My avoids list has gotten a little smaller, as I can now have the following -
- Avocado
- Garlic
- Lettuce
- Aged and Old Cheddar Cheese
- Bacon
- Normal Pasta
- Pepperoni
- Greasy food
- Some raw veggies - mushrooms, asparagus, peas, carrots in small amounts, cucumbers
**I probably won't try rice milk, soy products, or any other milk than 1%, as I don't like the taste of the products, and soy isn't healthy for you anyways**

Previous Avoids:
- spicy food
- cabbage, lettuce
- cauliflower
- raw tomatoes
- raw onions
- most raw vegetables
- rice milk
- soy products
- 3.25%, 2% milk products
- aged and old cheddar
- grapefruit, oranges
- avocados
- raw, fresh garlic
- bacon
- normal pasta
- pepperoni
- greasy foods - fast food


So, as you can tell, these products are helping me out 100% from where I was prior to taking the Ganoderma Lucidum products. I've been leading a regular life, almost as if I didn't have Crohn's Disease. I've been doing so much better, in every aspect, I've been sleeping better, eating better, feeling better. My stomach hasn't bugged me at all :) Wade and I have started exercising, I bought a new bike and we've been going for bike rides every night, we even did a 5km bike the other night with the dog. She enjoyed it a lot, and it really tuckered her out.

All in all, I'm very impressed with the way the products are treating me, I've never felt better, and I've never known that the next day will be as good as the previous day. It's an incredible feeling.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Had Enough

Things have been pretty good the last few days. My stomach has been absolutely incredible. The Gutsy Walk was amazing, despite the small turn out. There was about 50 people, and with all of the 50 people, $18,000 was raised to support the research to a cure for Crohn's and Colitis. It felt great to raise almost $1000 as a team, and I truly cannot wait to do the walk again next year, and raise more money than that. It will be great.

Have you ever phased something out of your life because of life events? I've phased several bands or artists out of my life due to events that I have linked the band, songs, or artists to. Memories, life events, deaths, ended friendships, there's always something that can link to a band or song. I've had several, death of family, ended friendships, ended relationships, bad experiences and bad memories, and some have been linked to songs or bands. Recently I've decided to forget the reasons why, if they're bad, and revisit the songs or bands. There's one band I won't revisit AC/DC, I won't revisit them ever. Somethings are meant to be left behind.

This is going to be more of a rant than anything because I'm truly sick of seeing people close to me being treated like shit. This morning I received a phone call, while I was sleeping, with the person on the other end crying their eyes out because some stuck up bitch, told her to stop being a fool and that the man this person was seeing never really loved her in the first place. Now the only reason this was said is because this bitch is jealous that her ex moved out, and she's got it into her oldest boys head that he's to hate the other lady. It makes no sense as to why people have to be like this, or feel that they need to be that way to other people. None of it will ever make sense.

Thursday 6 June 2013


I haven't written in a while, not much has been going on. Mostly, it's been raining here, but now it's getting to be sunnier and warm :) YAY! The neighbour has been gone, so I haven't had anything to report there. I'm assuming he's been gone to work, and I'm hoping that he goes away again very soon. We have our Gutsy Walk this weekend, and we're celebrating Wade's birthday, along with my brother's as Fay, Wade's mom will be here.

I've been working on budgeting and getting everything sorted out for us as we're going to be gone from home for 3 weeks this summer, and Wade won't be getting paid for them. So, why not start budgeting, and stay on budget? It seems easy, I'm home throughout the day, and can keep track of everything. I'm super excited for our camping trips. I've got a binder put together, and I'm going to make some envelopes together that have us budgeted for groceries, shopping, nights out, farmers market, and any "extra" spending.

I've been sick the last few days. I've had a lymph node infection, which has infected the skin on my chin, and I've also got TMJ in my jaw. So I haven't been speaking much lately, well I've been trying to cut down on it. It's been great...NOT!

We had a nasty wind storm yesterday, which is what this post is titled after. Our neighbours, which Wade happens to know as he went to school with the one girl, anyways their trampoline with net and all went sailing out into the middle of the cul de sac yesterday in the wind! It was unbelievable. Had they not been paying attention and went running after it, it would have hit probably 4 vehicles if it went all the way across the cul de sac. We went out to help, it was tough to pull back to their yard and secure it to a tree so we weren't running after it yet again! Hopefully all things are well now, I need to bring my planters back out so they get some sun!

My Crohn's has been absolutely incredible, I've had no issues, even with being on antibiotics that are supposed to be hard on the stomach. I've been taking Mycelium and Spore Powder, one of each a day. I've never felt better. I've also started jogging, so I'm hoping that will help my energy levels :)