Monday 12 August 2013

30 Things - Relationships With Parents

#3 - Describe Your Relationship With Your Parents.

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I want to start out by saying that I'm close with both of my parents, as well as my mother in law. My parents are separated, since 2010.

Mommyos - while this nickname was developed shortly after I moved out and started college, and Siri pronounces it Mommis, it's something I made for my mom. She's the mom that comes out for a weekend, and helps you paint your kitchen, move your shit out of the bedroom (along with a king size bed) She's been a friend, a parent, an advice giver. She's also been through a lot.
 She recently broke her wrist, tumbling down 14 stairs (which was silly), I went out and helped her out, we had a good time. That's what everything is with mom, a good time. We played scrabble, shelled and ate peas in bed, watched movies, did loser laps around town. Went to the lake, got her out on the floatie, just had fun and relaxed.

Poppyos - much like mom's nickname, only developed for my dad. We're close too! We text and talk a lot. He helps Wade and I with huckleberry picking, mushroom picking, firewood getting and splitting. He comes out here and lays laminate flooring for us, fixes drawers and door handles, insulates our pipes better, he's an all around handyman. He even makes soups and stuff for us!

All in all I have a good relationship with both of my parents.

I also have a really good relationship with my mother in law. She's great too, she helps us with so much, and we see her a little more often than my parents, but that doesn't change anything. She's here to help us with our dogs, like when we head to Idaho, she's taking our dogs for the entire time we're gone. She's incredible, we talk about once a week, via phone or email! She participated in our first Gutsy Walk with us too!

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