Friday 29 March 2013

Update on Ganoderma and Crohn's

So I've been drinking the Organo Gold Hot Chocolate on a daily basis, usually about twice a day. You quite honestly wouldn't believe the good it's doing for me.
  1. Sleeping through the night, in a deep sleep - even my barking/whining puppy wasn't waking me up
  2. Eating healthy meals - appetite is suppressed with using the beverages, so the meals/snacks I do eat are healthy
  3. A ton more energy - we played 2 matches of volleyball on Thursday night - one person short, and we did amazing, I had a ton of energy and even stayed up for 3 hours after we got home, not like usual where I shower and go to bed
  4. Although being a little stiff waking up after so much volleyball, the stiffness wore off fast
  5. Crohn's - hasn't been acting up, no frequent trips to the bathroom or anything - it's been incredibly amazing - I don't even get stomach cramps
  6. I had this bruise/bump on my foot for over a month, and it hurt like hell, I've noticed now that it's gone, there's no more raised portion, and the bruise has faded drastically, I believe it has gone away because of the Ganoderma effects. I'm not sure what it was from, but it was something that was definitely inflamed and was causing that area on my foot to be purple and look like a bruise
I'm loving this stuff so much, and loving the effects it's been having on my health! I've even lost about 4 pounds now in the past week. I'm going to start training for the "Gutsy Walk", and collect pledges to support research for Crohn's Disease and Colitis. I think it's a great opportunity, and right now I already have a team of 5 going, waiting to hear back from a few more people, and I'll post the pledge information once we've signed up :)

Even tonight, I had a hot chocolate about 4 hours ago, and I'm still quite awake and it's 12:39am. I'm really enjoying the spring weather, we cleaned my SUV today, it needed it badly, winter has been rough on the interior :(

Some body's gotta try this! No body's emailing, or commenting on trying this stuff out, or asking me questions, it's a bit disappointing. One can only see the benefits for themselves if they give the product a try. It costs significantly less. An example would be, Starbucks - Mocha Frap - $4.95 at the cheapest vs. Organo Gold Mocha made into a frap - $2.00 for a cup. Coffee at Tim's - $2-3 vs. Organo Gold Black Coffee - $0.85 a cup. I'm not a frequent flyer at Tim's or Starbucks because quite frankly the acidity of their coffee destroys my stomach, I get cramps and pains, and make frequent trips to the bathroom within 10 minutes of the first few sips, Organo Gold on the other hand, I don't have to make frequent trips to the bathroom because the acidity level in it is much lower. After Easter weekend I am going to start taking the capsules and see what they do for me, since I'm going to be training and all!

Happy Easter Everyone!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Benefits I've Noticed

Regenerating; (1-3 years)
It is a continuous process through-out life and during the process our body gains youthfulness. (Oxidation of the cells prevented and ageing of the cells delayed) The natural Immune System is activated at all levels. It is a process where our body continues functioning at its optimum level.
I'm not yet regenerating, but I do have more energy :)

Ganocelium is the Mycelium of Ganoderma Lucidum (the root of the mushroom) which has been dried and powdered at only 18 days old. It supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins to our body and serves as an oxygen supplier. 450 mg in each capsule.

Benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum;

·      Enhances the Immune System
·      Promote stamina and endurance I will test this out tomorrow at our Volleyball Playoffs

·      Relieves the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux I don't suffer from either

·      Relieves the symptoms of Allergy and Hay Fever It's not yet allergy season here, but I can't wait to see if it does help

·      Temporary relief of the pain associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis I don't have RA but I do have a lot of swelling in my knee due to Patello Femoral Syndrome - where my knee cap is grinding down the cartilage and itself

·      Relief the symptoms of Influenza/Flu I do feel that it helped me get over the last bit of Influenza faster

·      Helps relieve Nervous Tension-Stress and mild Anxiety I don't suffer from anxiety issues, but I've noticed that my husband isn't as stressed

·      Temporary relief of Migraine Headaches
·      Relieves symptoms of PMS and of Menstrual Symptoms I'm very interested to see if it will help with my PMS and Menstrual Symptoms

·      Relieves symtoms of Pre-menstrual Symptoms/Syndrome
·      Relieves Sleeplessness This is true, I had two hot chocolate yesterday and I had no issues falling asleep

·      Temporary relief of Coughs
·      Formula to support Liver

Antioxidants neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals of normal cellular respiration and metabolism. Ganoderma is one of the most potent Anti Oxidants at 23,500 I.U’s
If healthy the body has a healthy heart, healthy blood pressure, healthy cholesterol levels, normal blood sugar levels, and a healthy respiratory system. All the organs in the body operate without problems.
Effects of Ganoderma Lucidum - It enhances a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. It serves as a brain tonic, oxygen supplier and provides the basis for body growth. 

Through its polysaccharide content, GL effectively prevents growth of abnormal cells and controls their spread.
·      Helps in strengthening the body Immune System
·      Reduces sugar level in blood and revives pancreas function 
·      Discharges water-soluble toxins
Contents of Ganoderma Lucidum;
                Organic germanium
                A whole spectrum of Vitamins
                A whole spectrum of Minerals
                Amino acids

Detox/Healing Process

I've found that in the detox stage I'm urinating a bit more, and also I'm drinking a lot more water as my body is wanting more.

Detoxification (CLEANSING) (1 - 30 weeks)
Detoxification is the first step to healing, and healing the body is your first step to a longer life.
·    During this phase, the unwanted / harmful matters (called the toxins) are removed from the body. The body using its own natural excretory mechanism, which is activated by Ganoderma, carries out this process. This phase takes place for about 5-12 days, depending on the level and quality of toxins.
·    Uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposits, calcium deposits, and chemicals are toxic. The detoxification phase helps to remove such toxins from the body. The toxins are removed from the body though;
A). Sweating

B). The circulation system  - (kidneys and liver) & then discharged from the body through urination & stools.

C). Boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus discharge.

During this process of detoxification, water-soluble toxins (e.g. sugar, uric acid) find their exit through urine and sweat. Fat-soluble toxins (e.g. cholesterol) are easily disposed off through phlegm.
During the detoxification phase, the sometimes body feels hot and thirsty. This is a sign that the body needs more water to discharge the toxins. Ganoderma by itself is not heat inducing.
Sleep and eating times are most important. When you are healing, your body uses energy to self-restore.  If you eat late (after 8 pm) it will use that energy to digest your food instead. The healing process occurs between 11 pm – 2 am, while you are (or should be) in deep sleep. If your body systems are not in “rest” mode at those times, the healing is drastically hampered.
When detoxifying for the first time, some may experience a reaction within 3-10 days, and some can have a reaction 2-3 months later.  The reaction may not be limited to one experience only. Most people will get some sort of reaction. A light reaction may last up to 2-5 days, a severe may last 7 to 30 days.
It is to be understood that health improvement largely depends on the consumers own body condition, level of toxins in the body, duration of suffering from any ailment and the other lines of treatment one is undergoing. But one can certainly expect a good overall improvement in health with continuous consumption of Ganoderma over a 12-month period.

Regulation (1-12 months)
The bio-Chemical as well as bioelectric factors of the body are balanced and the organ functions are regulated to normal levels.

Building (6-24 months)
In this phase, the damaged cells are repaired and reconstructed. Inactive cells are re-activated. Body’s natural immune system is activated.
Process of building & healing parts of the body that have sustained injuries or damage. Strengthening the Immune System, physical strength, and mental calmness, more resistance to diseases. Supplying essential elements to the body, such as minerals and triterpenoid for the recovery of bodily functions.

Ganoderma, My Own Research

So I did some of my own research on the Ganoderma and the benefits of it. The following information is what I've found, most of it is straight from some websites that I found it on, but I felt it's highly beneficial to know this information, rather than just information from the company. You get to learn more, the more you research.

The benefits of Ganoderma are wide and varied. Ganoderma works on the body at a cellular level to improve ones health and general wellbeing.

Cardiovascular Benefits -
Ganoderma Lucidum has been shown in some studies to inhibit platelet aggregation and reduce blood pressure. In studies of people with hypertension, researchers found blood pressure was significantly reduced over two-weeks' time with Ganoderma (Reishi) supplementation.

Immune Benefits
- Ganoderma Lucidum is commonly prescribed by practitioners for long-term immune system support. In studies involving patients with advanced tumors, the patients were given Ganoderma Lucidum for thirty days. Researchers found a marked immune-modulating effect as demonstrated by an increase in T lymphocytes and decreased CD8 counts. Patients also reported reduced side effects due to chemotherapy or radiation as well as post operation recovery.

Blood Sugar Balance - 
Studies have shown Ganoderma Lucidum to have a blood sugar lowering effect. Much of this activity appears to be due to polysaccharides known as Ganoderans A, B, and C.
It appears there are three main mechanisms behind this hypoglycaemic effect. This includes Ganoderma Lucidum's ability to elevate plasma insulin levels, to enhance peripheral tissue utilization of glucose, and to enhance liver metabolism of glucose.

Anti-inflammatory Effects - 
Studies have shown that hot-water extracts of Ganoderma Lucidum have anti-inflammatory effects. One study found that 50 milligrams of Reishi powder had comparable effects to 5 milligrams of hydrocortisone.

Liver Protector
- Ganoderma Lucidum is commonly used for its hepatoprotective (liver protective) action. One study of patients with hepatitis B and elevated liver enzymes (SGOT/SGPT) and bilirubin were given Reishi for three months. Significant reduction in SGOT and SGPT were noticed within one month. After three months all values were within normal range.

Oxygenation -
One of the unique uses of Ganoderma Lucidum is for altitude sickness. Reishi appears to reduce altitude sickness by oxygenating the blood. This benefit was studied in Asian mountain climbers that ascended mountains as high as 17,000 feet with minimal reaction.

Cordyceps Information

Cordyceps for Stamina & Vitality

Our living environment has become increasingly more polluted, our diets unhealthy with processed foods that are full of preservative, harmful fats, refined carbohydrates, and sugars that fill our stomach but do not nourish our body optimally. On top of that we are leading very busy, hectic, and stressful lifestyles. Even though we boast to have the best and modern timesaving electrical gadgets and appliances most people are left with no time or no stamina for exercise, which everyone knows, is vital for health.

All these have put a great deal of strain on our immune system which has to constantly function on a hyper mode, trying hard to neutralize the environmental pollutants we are exposed to and ingested toxins from foods and drugs, trying to help your body maintain a state of homeostasis or balance for optimum health. When this physiological balance is not restored, the common physical symptoms that will manifest are:

·      Allergies
·      Cancer 
·      Cardiovascular disease 
·      Obesity 
·      Chronic fatigue syndrome 
·      Depression 
·      Aging prematurely

The Immune System is a complex network of specialized cells and organs such as the spleen, thymus and bone marrow that defense any foreign viruses or bacterial when they invade your body. We get sickly easily because of an impaired Immune System. T-cells are a product of the thymus gland, which protects you against harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites, but it shrinks as we age, reducing the production of T-cells. This is why it's so important to boost your immune system, as you get older to avoid sickness. Many are searching for natural healthy diets, nutrition supplementation and exercise to nourish and strengthen their Immune System to work more efficiently.

The discovery of medicinal mushrooms such as cordyceps and Ganoderma Lucidum (reishi) or Lingzhi has been documented in many reputable studies on its ability to restore our bodies' balance and natural resistance to disease.

What is Cordyceps?

Cordyceps or Cordyceps Sinensis is a rare parasitic organism grows primarily on the Tibetan plateau at high altitudes of 14,000 feet. In Chinese, its name means 'winter worm, summer grass' or "caterpillar fungus." It is nature's cross marriage of the insect and plant kingdom. When it was first discovered about 2000 years ago the Chinese thought the herb was a worm. The fungus mushroom is a product from a type of fungus which parasites upon the larvae of the Chongcao bat moth and forms a fungus/larva composite body, and it takes five to seven years to complete its life cycle.

As part of the Chinese culinary delicacy, the Cordyceps mushroom was sed in soups and brews with pork and poultry. Due to its scarcity and high price, its use was reserved exclusively for the Emperor's Palace in China. Cordyceps has been recognized for centuries and has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). For generations, it has been considered the premier agent in the Chinese culture for:
  • Strengthens kidney functions
  • Restoring energy
  • Treating lung problems
  • Longevity and equality of health 
In 1993, three women Chinese athletes set new world records in the National Games in China. Their coach attributed their success to intensive training and supplementation with the Cordyceps mushroom. Today many scientific studies have proven the numerous health benefits from this fungus. Recently, a small study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting (1999), showed that a cordyceps-based supplement (CordyMax, Pharmanex) significantly increases maximal oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold, which may lead to improved exercise capacity and resistance to fatigue.

Health Benefits of Cordyceps; 

                Enhances endurance, stamina and exercise performance
                Reduces fatigue 
                Relieves asthma 
                Fights sexual dysfunction 
                Improves libido in man and woman 
                Promotes healthy lung function 
                Improves kidney and liver functions through metabolizing and excreting toxic substances 
                Promotes healthy cholesterol levels 
                Improves respiratory functions 
                Promotes natural vitality

Everyone from young to old can enjoy the benefits from Cordyceps mushroom which is sold in forms of its natural dry fruiting body, powdered form, tinctures, dietary supplement or in tonic soups

Crohn's and Ganoderma

I've stopped taking the capsules, I can't remember if I had posted that, the Grapeseed Oil Extract was bugging my stomach quite badly so I decided to stop taking the capsules for the moment until my stomach settled. Currently I'm drinking two of the hot chocolate daily, with a bit of milk to make it creamier. I've noticed it's been doing my stomach wonders, I can eat food that usually sends me to the bathroom right away, hasn't been sending me to the bathroom right away. I've been very impressed at the way it's making my stomach feel and the way I am feeling. When I wake up, I'm fully awake and have energy for the day, I get a great nights sleep, a deep sleep, and they've been getting shorter because I'm feeling better over all.

The one thing I'm finding too, is it's a bit of an appetite suppressor. I'll eat some Activia yogurt in the morning for breakfast, have a hot chocolate, have lunch around 2-3, and then we have a little bit of a later dinner and I'm not eating as much at dinner because I'm usually drinking a hot chocolate. I'm surprised a bit that it's proven to be that filling, but I don't usually eat that much during the day, supper is usually my biggest meal.

I also wanted to share that in the past few days of drinking the hot chocolate on a 2 times a day basis, I have lost 3 pounds, not from lack of food, I'm still eating very healthy and not a lot less than I usually eat, but because I am detoxing and I am feeling better over all!

I've been researching information on Ganoderma itself, and the benefits it's had for other people. From young girls, aged 8 who are BiPolar, to adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis, others with Crohn's Disease, high blood pressure, people with diabetes, I've read blogged stories from quite a few people with all kinds of different medical issues, and they all say the same thing, that they've all been helping, I am going to get the links to them and I will post them below.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

And We Danced

I've realized just now that I've been posting a ton of information on the coffee, tea and supplements that I've started selling, that I HAVE NOT posted a single detail about the big wedding we had on September 1, 2012!! That's absolutely terrible, it's something I always want to tell people about!

The week leading up to the wedding was absolutely hectic, well to an extent I guess, I would imagine some other peoples week before their wedding is more hectic than ours was. We spent the first two days, floating on the lake and hanging out with my Grandparents, doing small stuff like making sure everyone was on the seating chart, and making arrangements if needed, wrapping the wedding party gifts, all those small things. The Wednesday we went to the city and got all the groceries we were going to need for the dinner at the wedding, and for us for meals for the next few days and the weekend, I also had an appointment to get the under layer of my hair died, and we ended up coming home with two big tents to cover all the chairs at the ceremony to provide some shade.

Once Thursday came around, we were able to get into the retreat to start unpacking and getting settled in until the following Monday. My best friend came in from GP, her and her boyfriend, they came Thursday night, and I couldn't wait to see her! I was so flippin' stoked when they arrived at the retreat to help us out, she was in my wedding party, and her boyfriend was incredible, they were so helpful, they did so much for us! Thursday was just a get in, settle down, get organized kind of day, it was great to be up at the lake!

On Friday, guests started showing up, campers, motorhomes, tenters, and people staying in the cabins. We had a rehearsal dinner on Friday night, we did a lot of set up, got everything set up for the ceremony, all the tables had table cloths on them, centerpieces were created, silverware was wrapped, everything was ready to go. So we all went to the beach for the afternoon, went cliff jumping, tubing, swimming, and just plain sunbathing! It was glorious. When we got back, the wedding party, and my dad, and brother played Ultimate Frisbee until our JP showed up for the rehearsal and the dinner. There were a few speeches, and everyone was around the fire afterwords, I went to bed earlier because I was to be up early and making sure the bridesmaids were getting ready. I took all the bridesmaids away privately and gave them their gifts, they had all submitted a verse of a song or a favourite quote, and I got it put on to a granite plaque for them, it was engraved, they turned out incredible, I was very impressed!

Saturday was the big day, September 1, 2012! We had people setting up the tables, name rocks, and everything. The ceremony spot was set up, we had to get the guy set up who was roasting the pig for the dinner, there were moms and aunts getting everything for the salads and the dinner ready in the kitchen. Our cake turned out incredible, but had a few issues with it, lots of strands of hair in it :( We had potato salad, caesar salad, and broccoli salad, with deep fried turkey, homemade buns, apple sauce, cranberry sauce, and pickles from my grandma. It all turned out incredible, and everything tasted amazing!

Our ceremony was fast and incredible, having everyone for a short time with their attention directly on you, the family crying, the bridesmaids almost crying. It was all so touching and caring. We went off for our pictures after doing a lot of family photos, with hay bales and flowers, with the sunlight in the background. Then we went out with the wedding party and went to have photos on a floating dock, and then my husband and I went off to another location with some cliff like rocks to get some photos taken, and a lot of mosquito bites.


So, with taking the Grapeseed Oil and Mycelium capsules, I had to stop taking them, as the Grapeseed Oil extract was bugging my stomach, so I had to let my stomach straighten out first. I'm going to start taking the Mycelium capsules again probably on Monday. I'll probably experiment with the Spore Powder and Ganoderma Lucidum capsules too. I know that they're highly beneficial for everyone, so I'm hoping that if I start taking them slowly, they'll end up being highly beneficial for me as well. Crohn's has been a little bad the last few days, no need to go into details about it, so I'm being very careful about what I eat.

Last night I made crab stuffed mushrooms, corn on the cob, nice juicy thick marinated steak in my secret marinate, and creamy parmesan pasta. The steak were grilled on granite, so they were grilled to perfection, and they tasted absolutely incredible, crab stuffed mushrooms are so easy, and they taste sooooo good every time.

I can't wait for the snow to be gone, and we can have dinner outside on the deck, do some BBQ'd asparagus and mushrooms, corn on the cob and chicken - it's one of my favourite meals to eat, everything done on the BBQ. And everything cooked on granite is even more incredible. It leaves all the flavours in the chicken and the steak, and they turn out very tender too. Something definitely for someone to try out, I got the idea from a client at the granite company I worked for!

I've been thinking about posting some recipes on my blog, stuff that I make on a regular basis, stuff I've come up with like my Parmesan Chicken Cordon Bleu. Marinate recipes and stuff. I'm not sure if anyone is interested in that stuff, but I would also post some picture on here too! Anyone want to comment on that?

Thursday 14 March 2013

Ganoderma Supplements

Day 4 of supplements; I'm feeling better over all. My stomach hasn't been that bad as long as I eat proper meals, meaning anywhere from 4-6 small meals a day, and I take the capsules in the morning and drink a lot of water throughout the day.

With the illness that I've had, I've had really sore joints, bottoms of my feet - to the extent that I didn't feel like walking because it hurt so much. And lately I've been having some cramps in my legs. But since I've started taking the Mycelium and Grapeseed Oil Extract, I am feeling 100% better. I'm sleeping well at night and waking up feeling awake, no more of this waking up half asleep for about an hour after getting out of bed. It's awesome to feel this great! It's been a while! We will truly see how well I'm feeling at our volleyball game tonight :)

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Healthy Feeling!

I've started taking Mycelium and Grapeseed Oil Extract, they are some of the supplements you receive when you purchase the silver package of Organo Gold to sample/sell. I can honestly say, I feel great this morning, full of energy, didn't take much for me to get out of bed (usually I will lay there for a while I try to go back to sleep, well today I didn't need to, despite waking up a few times), I'm eating normally again, my stomach is feeling the best it's felt in a few weeks. I'm telling you, Ganoderma Lucidum is incredible! And Organo Gold is incredible for incorporating it into everybody's every day drinks!

It's not just coffee or tea, it's an incredible beverage with great health benefits. I wish I could post more of the information from their website, but I can't figure out if I can upload documents or if I have to just post it all via copy and paste! Does any body have ideas?

You seriously have to try this stuff, contact me via this blog to get a sample, or some more information!!! It's a life changer, and there's opportunities to make a TON of money on it, and the best part yet, is that coffee will never stop being purchased!

View/order online at our website:

Monday 11 March 2013

Ganoderma Lucidum Benefits

When you do your research on Ganoderma on, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health, you get the following information:
  1. The Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom (also known as Reishi in Japan and Lingzhi in China ) helps the body adapt to many types of body stresses such as trauma, sleep deprivation, temperature, exposure to toxins, psychological stress, infection, or radiation. Ganoderma Lucidum helps the organisms in the body return to a normal, balanced state after illness.
  2. Ganoderma acts as a regulator that fine-tunes the immune system. Its main purpose is to detect pathogens such as bacteria and other viruses that attack the body.
  3. A compromised immune system can develop viruses, parasites, bacteria and fungi that cause disease. Repeated use of common antibiotics, anti-viral agents, and anti-fungal medications can cause microbes to develop a resistance to the medications. Consuming Ganoderma can eliminate these problems. Ganoderma is gaining popularity among many as an adjunct to combating the disagreeable side effects of radiation and chemotherapy associated with cancer treatment.
  4. The Ganoderma red mushroom has exceptional anti-stress qualities that can help improve memory, reduce tension and sharpen your concentration. It is particularly helpful in the treatment of degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia that affects the elderly. Ganoderma has been around for many centuries. It has been used for over 4000 years in Chinese and Japanese Traditional Medicine.
  5. Highly ranked in Oriental traditional medicine for its health benefits and powerful medicinal properties, Ganoderma has been used as a remedy for many types of chronic diseases, including hepatopathy, type II diabetes, neurasthenia, hypertension, and cancer.
  6. Originally consumed by emperors and royalty as the “Miracle Herb”, many westerners have overlooked it until recently. Some of the many health benefits of Ganoderma are its antioxidant effects on the body, the positive effects on circulatory system and respiratory tract. Ganoderma has been shown to lower high blood pressure, balance cholesterol levels and reduce the symptoms of bronchitis, asthma and other lung problems.
  7. The Ganoderma red mushroom has more than 200 active elements known to improve health and is considered a Nutritive Supplement by the FDA and other Food and Drugs Administrations world wide.
The Ganoderma powerful antioxidant properties are also known to provide many other benefits including:

The Benefits Of Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi)

The scientific data accumulated over the past 30 years help explain why Reishi is effective in all parts of our body:
  • Immune System 
  • Cancer: Reishi is an effective anti-tumor medicine
  • Common Cold
  • Influenza
  • Cough
  • Inflammation
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Allergies
  • Lupus
  • Stomatitis (canker sores)
  • Reishi acts as an antioxidant against free radicals
  • Reishi protects against the effects of radiation
  • Reishi has anti-inflammatory effects
Respiratory System
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Bronchitis
Endocrine System
  • Problems associated with Menopause
  • Irregular menstruation 
Nervous System
  • Insomnia
  • Neurasthenia
  • Stress-induced tension
  • Over-sleep
  • Headache
  • Toothache
  • Cataracts
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Myasthenia Gravis
Circulatory System
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  • Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Arrhythmia
  • Stroke
  • Reduction of Cholesterol (LDL)
  • Anemia
  • Cold Extremities
  • Hemorrhoid
  • Elevation sickness
Digestive System 
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Ulcer
  • Hepatitis
  • Liver Necrosis
  • Ganoderma Lucidum regenerates the liver
  • Obesity -- Reishi removes fat in the blood
  • Underweight -- Reishi improves appetite
  • Diabetes
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Gallstones
  • Aging of the skin
  • Ugly spots on the skin
  • Acne I have noticed my skin has been better, partially because of the Proactiv and the Ganoderma
  • Hair loss
  • Dermatitis
Excretory System 
  • Nephritis
Reproductive System 
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual cramps)
The Most Common Uses Of Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi)

Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) is commonly used for:
  • Longevity and prevention of disease
  • Insomnia
  • Stress I am someone who stresses a lot about everything, and I've noticed that I haven't been feeling so stressed out
  • Influenza and the common cold
  • Asthma
  • Allergies Can't wait to see if this helps in the spring/summer for my allergies
  • Cancer
  • Hypertension
  • Heart Disease
  • High Cholesterol (LDL)
  • Diabetes
  • Headache
  • Stomach ache
  • Arthritis
  • Back pain I was having a lot of back pain and stuff but I've noticed it's been at a minimum
  • Skin Care
  • Hair loss
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Hepatitis
Why Is Ganoderma Lucidum GOOD For Our Health?

 Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) is a unique health food. A Red Mushroom with a wide range of medicinal properties which collectively strengthens the immune system and gives the user longevity:
  • It has the rare and valuable properties of an Adaptogen, which means that it is non-toxic, non-specific, and has a normalizing effect on the body.
  • It is classified as Top of the Superior Quality of all herbs by the pharmacopoeia used by Chinese doctors for thousands of years. Emperors have considered Reishi an herb for the immortals. Its stature is higher than Ginseng.
  • It has a long history of safe use (5,000 years). NO toxicity or side-effect has been reported.
  • There are 30 years of ample modern scientific evidences in the laboratory and in the clinic for its effectiveness.
  • It has extremely wide applications, bringing benefits to the entire body, preventing almost all the common diseases.
  • Its potency as a medicine even exceeds many modern drugs. For example, it is more effective than Melatonin and certainly much safer and free from side-effects.
  • It is effective even for "terminal" illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, and coronary heart disease.
  • It is effective for both PREVENTION and CURE, suitable for daily use as a health supplement.
  • It is very easy to gain acceptance by new users because of Reishi's stature, publicity, and complete safety.
Take the time the understand the Ganoderma Healing Responses that your body will have and how it's key to knowing that your body is being detoxified to a healthier state.

The status of Ganoderma Lucidum in the health food industry is unparalleled. It is the culmination of the knowledge and wisdom of the East and West for over 4,000 years.

Its effectiveness as a health food and as a highly potent medicine have been demonstrated by over 30 years of modern scientific research in Japan, Taiwan, China, U.S.A., Canada, and Poland.

Backed by 4,000 years of accumulated experience, Reishi can safely claim to be totally free from side-effects. The wide range of health benefits we can receive from Reishi is also unmatched.

As it was so rare, Reishi was available only to emperors in ancient times. The first emperor of China, Shih Huang Ti, sent a fleet with 250 young men and 250 young women to Japan in search of the herb of longevity, which is Reishi.

Ganoderma Lucidum is the King of Adaptogens. It is superior to Ginseng. Adaptogens share three important properties:
  1. Non-toxic and free from side-effects.
  2. Non-specific, acting on the entire body.
  3. Normalizes physiological functions.
Ganoderma Lucidum contains 800 - 2,000 ppm of organic germanium, which is 4-5 times more than Ginseng. Germanium is a trace element with adaptogenic functions.

Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) which is a higher order organism of the world of fungus, belongs to the Polypore group.

"Polypores, commonly known as bracket or shelf fungi, are conspicuous mushrooms that grow off the sides of trees. On a walk through the forest one can commonly see many such bracket mushrooms."

"What is not readily visible to us however is the actual mushroom organism, or mycelium. Just as an apple is the fruit of an apple tree, so too is a mushroom the fruit body of a mycelial "tree". Mycelium is a network of the threadlike filaments that originates from spores. The mycelium spreads throughout the nutrient base or substrate, amassing nutrients as it grows. As long as environmental conditions are right, the mycelium will continue to grow and propagate until it exhausts the available nutrients."

"As long as nutrients are available, the mycelium can be considered perennial and will live for many years. At least once a year, mushrooms emerge from the mycelial network. As the reproductive organ of the fungus, mushrooms are the means by which spores are created and spread." --- from Reishi Mushroom: Herb of Spiritual Potency and Medical Wonder, Terry Willard, Sylvan Press, 1991

Ganoderma has no known herb drug interaction. Ganoderma has been shown to be safe and non-toxic even at very high doses. Many families have been enjoying Ganoderma's wonders for quite some time and have yet to experience any side effects.

Taking ganoderma on a daily basis helps detoxify the body, rejuvenate the cells, balance the functions of various organs and help remove disorders. It helps in stress relief and due to this property alone, it is effective in preventing disease. It also aids the body in building up the immune systems thus helping to avoid illnesses.

Organo Gold Information

The Company

Organo Gold has the largest organic Ganoderma Lucidum farms in the world thus producing the absolute most pure 100% certified organic Ganoderma Lucidum: What is Ganoderma Lucidum? It is known in Japan as Reishi and China as Ling Zhi. It is a red mushroom that is known as the King of Herbs. It literally has been in use over 4,000 years. Ancient royalty prized this mushroom for its phenomenal medicinal properties. Ganoderma Lucidum promotes health and well-being.

Organo Gold has brought 100% certified organic Ganoderma Lucidum and gourmet coffee together and has positioned itself in front of the largest traded commodity in the world next to oil. Ganoderma Lucidum is considered a natural treasure and now you can have access to it. Now you can share it with those you love. You can share it with your co-workers, colleagues, neighbors and anyone you meet. This natural treasure is literally bringing physical, emotional and financial relief to many.

Organo Gold is giving all of its representatives the right tools, support, training and compensation to create whatever residual income they are determined to make. Organo Gold are producing coffee millionaires. This company has been said to have the most cooperative team in network marketing history. It is said to have the most ethical and fairest management team. Organo Gold pays up to 50% of product sales to its representatives.

The compensation plan is simple and balanced. It has combined the two most powerful pay structures known in the Direct Sales Industry. Together the two pay structures work together synergistically. They work as the dynamic duo creating both large immediate fast start earnings as well as a very significant long-term residual income that is changing lives. Representatives are capitalizing on the promotional firepower of a Dual Team pay structure.

This structure rewards every single stage of business development coupled very generously with a Unilevel Plan. It also includes powerful Generational Bonuses. It doesn’t stop there. In addition there are Matching Bonuses and a Worldwide Bonus Pool for sales leaders. There are no restrictions in the number of New Customers that you may acquire. There is neither restriction to the number of New Representatives you can sponsor onto your team.

As an Organo Gold Representatives you can expand your team by building literally a seamless local, regional and worldwide representative organization. Organo Gold is ever adding more and more countries in which you can do business.

Do you know what the Five Most Powerful Industries are today? They are as follows:

·      Health & Wellness – Did you know that this has been projected to be a Trillion Dollar Industry by 2012?

·      Weight Loss – Did you know that 81% of people in North America want to lose weight?

·      Home Based Businesses – Did you know that this is by far the fastest growing sector in North America today?

·      The Internet – Did you know that 100 billion dollars are being spent over the World Wide Web?

·      Coffee – Second Largest Traded Commodity – Did you know that coffee is the largest traded commodity in world next to oil? did you know that coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world next to water? Coffee drinkers in North American alone drink 3-4 cups every singe day!

Facts about Organo Gold

·      Ganoderma Lucidum is the “King of the Herbs” dating back over 4,000 years. Emperors paid more for it than gold
·      On the internet there are over 3 Million pages of documentation on Ganoderma Lucidum
·      Organo Gold produces 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum, Mycelium & Spores
·      All of Organo Gold’s Ganoderma Lucidum is naturally log harvested

Products: 100% certified Ganoderma Lucidum & Its Phenomenal Delivery Methods

Delivery method? Our Ganoderma Lucidum is delivered through coffee, mocha, latte, tea, hot chocolate and beauty soap! How cool is that?

For optimum Ganoderma benefits we recommend:

·      Black and King of Coffee be mixed with 8-10oz. of hot water
·      Mocha, Latte, and Hot Chocolate mix with 10-12oz. of hot water
·      Consume 3-4 cups per day. Every package contains 1 capsule of Ganoderma
·      Supplement with capsules if needed
·      Always do your research on any new herbal supplement. Caution taken if taking blood thinners.