Wednesday 27 March 2013

Benefits I've Noticed

Regenerating; (1-3 years)
It is a continuous process through-out life and during the process our body gains youthfulness. (Oxidation of the cells prevented and ageing of the cells delayed) The natural Immune System is activated at all levels. It is a process where our body continues functioning at its optimum level.
I'm not yet regenerating, but I do have more energy :)

Ganocelium is the Mycelium of Ganoderma Lucidum (the root of the mushroom) which has been dried and powdered at only 18 days old. It supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins to our body and serves as an oxygen supplier. 450 mg in each capsule.

Benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum;

·      Enhances the Immune System
·      Promote stamina and endurance I will test this out tomorrow at our Volleyball Playoffs

·      Relieves the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux I don't suffer from either

·      Relieves the symptoms of Allergy and Hay Fever It's not yet allergy season here, but I can't wait to see if it does help

·      Temporary relief of the pain associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis I don't have RA but I do have a lot of swelling in my knee due to Patello Femoral Syndrome - where my knee cap is grinding down the cartilage and itself

·      Relief the symptoms of Influenza/Flu I do feel that it helped me get over the last bit of Influenza faster

·      Helps relieve Nervous Tension-Stress and mild Anxiety I don't suffer from anxiety issues, but I've noticed that my husband isn't as stressed

·      Temporary relief of Migraine Headaches
·      Relieves symptoms of PMS and of Menstrual Symptoms I'm very interested to see if it will help with my PMS and Menstrual Symptoms

·      Relieves symtoms of Pre-menstrual Symptoms/Syndrome
·      Relieves Sleeplessness This is true, I had two hot chocolate yesterday and I had no issues falling asleep

·      Temporary relief of Coughs
·      Formula to support Liver

Antioxidants neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals of normal cellular respiration and metabolism. Ganoderma is one of the most potent Anti Oxidants at 23,500 I.U’s
If healthy the body has a healthy heart, healthy blood pressure, healthy cholesterol levels, normal blood sugar levels, and a healthy respiratory system. All the organs in the body operate without problems.
Effects of Ganoderma Lucidum - It enhances a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. It serves as a brain tonic, oxygen supplier and provides the basis for body growth. 

Through its polysaccharide content, GL effectively prevents growth of abnormal cells and controls their spread.
·      Helps in strengthening the body Immune System
·      Reduces sugar level in blood and revives pancreas function 
·      Discharges water-soluble toxins
Contents of Ganoderma Lucidum;
                Organic germanium
                A whole spectrum of Vitamins
                A whole spectrum of Minerals
                Amino acids

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