Wednesday 20 March 2013

And We Danced

I've realized just now that I've been posting a ton of information on the coffee, tea and supplements that I've started selling, that I HAVE NOT posted a single detail about the big wedding we had on September 1, 2012!! That's absolutely terrible, it's something I always want to tell people about!

The week leading up to the wedding was absolutely hectic, well to an extent I guess, I would imagine some other peoples week before their wedding is more hectic than ours was. We spent the first two days, floating on the lake and hanging out with my Grandparents, doing small stuff like making sure everyone was on the seating chart, and making arrangements if needed, wrapping the wedding party gifts, all those small things. The Wednesday we went to the city and got all the groceries we were going to need for the dinner at the wedding, and for us for meals for the next few days and the weekend, I also had an appointment to get the under layer of my hair died, and we ended up coming home with two big tents to cover all the chairs at the ceremony to provide some shade.

Once Thursday came around, we were able to get into the retreat to start unpacking and getting settled in until the following Monday. My best friend came in from GP, her and her boyfriend, they came Thursday night, and I couldn't wait to see her! I was so flippin' stoked when they arrived at the retreat to help us out, she was in my wedding party, and her boyfriend was incredible, they were so helpful, they did so much for us! Thursday was just a get in, settle down, get organized kind of day, it was great to be up at the lake!

On Friday, guests started showing up, campers, motorhomes, tenters, and people staying in the cabins. We had a rehearsal dinner on Friday night, we did a lot of set up, got everything set up for the ceremony, all the tables had table cloths on them, centerpieces were created, silverware was wrapped, everything was ready to go. So we all went to the beach for the afternoon, went cliff jumping, tubing, swimming, and just plain sunbathing! It was glorious. When we got back, the wedding party, and my dad, and brother played Ultimate Frisbee until our JP showed up for the rehearsal and the dinner. There were a few speeches, and everyone was around the fire afterwords, I went to bed earlier because I was to be up early and making sure the bridesmaids were getting ready. I took all the bridesmaids away privately and gave them their gifts, they had all submitted a verse of a song or a favourite quote, and I got it put on to a granite plaque for them, it was engraved, they turned out incredible, I was very impressed!

Saturday was the big day, September 1, 2012! We had people setting up the tables, name rocks, and everything. The ceremony spot was set up, we had to get the guy set up who was roasting the pig for the dinner, there were moms and aunts getting everything for the salads and the dinner ready in the kitchen. Our cake turned out incredible, but had a few issues with it, lots of strands of hair in it :( We had potato salad, caesar salad, and broccoli salad, with deep fried turkey, homemade buns, apple sauce, cranberry sauce, and pickles from my grandma. It all turned out incredible, and everything tasted amazing!

Our ceremony was fast and incredible, having everyone for a short time with their attention directly on you, the family crying, the bridesmaids almost crying. It was all so touching and caring. We went off for our pictures after doing a lot of family photos, with hay bales and flowers, with the sunlight in the background. Then we went out with the wedding party and went to have photos on a floating dock, and then my husband and I went off to another location with some cliff like rocks to get some photos taken, and a lot of mosquito bites.

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