Wednesday 27 March 2013

Crohn's and Ganoderma

I've stopped taking the capsules, I can't remember if I had posted that, the Grapeseed Oil Extract was bugging my stomach quite badly so I decided to stop taking the capsules for the moment until my stomach settled. Currently I'm drinking two of the hot chocolate daily, with a bit of milk to make it creamier. I've noticed it's been doing my stomach wonders, I can eat food that usually sends me to the bathroom right away, hasn't been sending me to the bathroom right away. I've been very impressed at the way it's making my stomach feel and the way I am feeling. When I wake up, I'm fully awake and have energy for the day, I get a great nights sleep, a deep sleep, and they've been getting shorter because I'm feeling better over all.

The one thing I'm finding too, is it's a bit of an appetite suppressor. I'll eat some Activia yogurt in the morning for breakfast, have a hot chocolate, have lunch around 2-3, and then we have a little bit of a later dinner and I'm not eating as much at dinner because I'm usually drinking a hot chocolate. I'm surprised a bit that it's proven to be that filling, but I don't usually eat that much during the day, supper is usually my biggest meal.

I also wanted to share that in the past few days of drinking the hot chocolate on a 2 times a day basis, I have lost 3 pounds, not from lack of food, I'm still eating very healthy and not a lot less than I usually eat, but because I am detoxing and I am feeling better over all!

I've been researching information on Ganoderma itself, and the benefits it's had for other people. From young girls, aged 8 who are BiPolar, to adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis, others with Crohn's Disease, high blood pressure, people with diabetes, I've read blogged stories from quite a few people with all kinds of different medical issues, and they all say the same thing, that they've all been helping, I am going to get the links to them and I will post them below.

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