Monday 23 July 2012

Crohn's Flare Up :(

I've only ever had one flare up, minus the initial time I got sick. I went into the hospital and they gave me Asacol again to try. It helped a bit but not nearly enough, I went away for a weekend, and went back to the hospital when I got back, in which I was given two antibiotics to help kill the infection. They made me vomit and reacted, so I stopped taking them immediately. This all happened in January/February 2010

We went away for Valentine's Day weekend as it was my soon to be mother in laws birthday, and unfortunately I hardly ate, I slept the whole time, and spent a fair amount of time in the washroom. When we got home, I went in to the hospital yet again. I was put on an IV for the antibiotics they'd tried to get me to take orally, as well as a Prednisone drip. They tried me on a Potassium drip, but it just burned my veins. I did one treatment that night, and my fiance came and picked me up when he got off work at 11:30pm. He brought me back at 6am the next morning, and stayed with me for the 2.5hr course of the treatment. We went home and slept, we were tired, set an alarm for 11:30am as my next treatment was at 2:00pm, but I needed to go to the college and sort a few things out.

I hadn't showered in a few days, and my hand was stiff and not normal from the IV treatments, it was bandaged up as I still had my IV in. Everyone showed concern when I showed up, asked how I was doing, when I was going to be back, and what the hell was going on! I answered their questions, they all commented on my again, drastic weight loss, over 20lbs in only 15 days. My instructor wasn't there however so I left her a message, and my classmates brought me my homework over the next few days.

My days turned in to me laying on the couch, as still as possible, eating very little, drinking gatorade for the electrolytes, and eating the chocolate chip banana bread my fiance brought home for me from work. I did very little school work, and days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into well, a month and a week, of me doing so. By the time a month hit, I had started to go back to classes for half days, but was still extremely weak, and unable to concentrate. I got 99% on my exam the first week I was back! And I hardly did my school work! Impressed with myself again :)

Things smoothed out, I was on Prednisone daily to control my stomach but then started taking Acidophilus daily in which did the same things for me as Prednisone but wasn't at all damaging unlike Prednisone. I was on decreasing doses of Prednisone and I was thrilled! I didn't want to be on it by any means! School finished good, and I had no issues what so ever with my stomach after that flare up, even the stress didn't bug me!

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