Monday 23 July 2012

My Crohn's History

All of the websites out there now-a-days say what people with Crohn's Disease should and shouldn't eat. I can tell you right now that I don't live off of what a website about Crohn's Disease has to tell me that I can and cannot eat.

Want my history?

I first got really sick at Christmas 2006, I was 16 at the time, ended up in the hospital, lost over 15 lbs in a week, that kinda thing. Enlarged liver, not hungry, not thirsty, really dehydrated and skinny, in severe stomach pain with vomiting and uncontrolable bowels. They did all kinds of blood tests. Where I'm from, it's small, they don't have all the equipment to do much more than just blood tests, but I tell you, they did almost every blood test possible within a months time. A few days later I was rushed to a near by city hospital for an ultrasound which showed nothing, except that my liver was enlarged.

I started getting better, slowly, no sports, no gym class, no high physical activity because my liver was still enlarged, and I was still in a lot of pain. I slowly gained back a bit of my weight, missed a few weeks of school after Christmas break.

They did another round of blood tests, to test things in my muscles, and basically to test everything they possibly could by blood. Still nothing showed up. I got better, and went on with life. A new doctor came to our town, and I went in one day because I was having the stomach pain, decreased appetite, and decreased need for fluids. She asked what tests I was sent for, and there was none. Then became the summer of tests, only 3, but long ones, and weird ones, along with my parents trying to get us moved.

I first had one of those tests where they hook you up to an IV, inject some dye into your veins, and they have an xray type machine circling you, 3 hours later on a hard metal bed, these scans showed nothing. Disappointed with the results, my doctor sent me for some scopes. These came back as having inflammation in my gut, but it wasn't localized, therefore the root of where my Crohn's is sitting, is undetermined still almost 6 years later.

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