Wednesday 25 July 2012


I find morning to be the worst time of the day for me! That and when I'm trying to lay in bed at night, I could lay there for up to three hours to fall asleep, it's horrible! Today isn't a good morning, the neighbours dog was outside barking his head off at 5:40am. It's barely even light out yet, he's yapping! It's incredibly ridiculous how much that dog barks!! Our dog barks, but nothing like the neighbours dog!

Mornings, it takes me forever to wake up, and forever to function properly! Generally I shower at night before I go to bed, and then I just went my hair in the morning to style it. Sometimes I barely feel like doing that. This morning however, was a full blown shower! So the hair styling was easy, now its getting dressed, doing my make up and finishing the "making lunch" process. It's terrible, I'm beyond ridiculously tired in the morning, not motivated to do anything. Some mornings I get up earlier to straighten my naturally curly hair, and it seems that those mornings are better for me than others! Unfortunately I can't drink coffee, so that is out for me as a wake up helper!

Plus, this morning I don't want to go into the office because of what went down yesterday. My female co worker noticed something was up with our male co worker, he'd sat in his desk chair, with his computer turned on, playing on his cell for almost 45 minutes! He got a phone call and left. I'll give you some history, M (male coworker) has snooped through J's (female coworker) work emails when she wasn't there and found a "rant" email that she had said to a friend. He then brought it up with the general manager who is also M's best friend. Anyways they had a meeting, this was before I got there, and things were resolved.
So yesterday, J went and looked in M's emails because she knew something was up. Well sure enough there was an email in his sent folder, calling her skewed, and saying that she's already got me believing his ridiculous (obviously other words).

Quite honestly, I had formed this opinion before J had come back to work after her accident. He was ridiculous to work with, couldn't do anything for himself, just pushed everything on to the new employee that had no idea of how to do anything or even what was going on. Just ridiculous to work with, I'm not going to lie.

So I guess he got in big shit yesterday over the phone with the general manager as he'd sent this rude email to him. No idea what was said or if M will say anything, all I know is J and I are pissed beyond belief with him, because he also said a ton of stuff that didn't even make sense that we would do, or things that don't concern him!

Either way, I guess things will work themselves out, or J and I will quite possibly quit. We shall wait and see.

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