Thursday 26 July 2012

Life Today

Today has been really good! No stomach issues, got quite a lot of work completed, and a lot of jobs into production! Very very productive day today! It will be a productive day at home as well! So so much to do!

Had my three month review yesterday! Super excited about that! I get my benefits next month, 3 months ahead of time, and then I will get a raise around October! I've already had a bit of a raise, and a promotion, so I'm completely thrilled about all of this new news!

Not house work kind of stuff, just wedding stuff. More seating chart issues, have to reprint some of them, shuffle some people aroud, that kind of stuff. Have to scan in some pictures to my Maid Of Honor for the slide show she's creating! She's getting so much done for only having about 6 weeks to complete everything. My maid of honor that I initially had backed out due to stress! It's getting down to major crunch time, it seems like there is so so so much to do, it's unbelievable. It feels like we get a few steps ahead, but only to realize or feel like we're still a few steps behind, so much to consider, find, look in to, and resource! I will post pictures of the wedding when it happens! Also more about the wedding, and everything I will post.

Does anyone have a "Bucket List"? I was thinking about mine, with having Crohn's one never knows when things can take a turn for the worst. So far, I don't have much.

- Find an incredible man that treats me right - check
- Buy a house - check
- Start a family - we have a date/age set for when we want to start having kids, 2  years from now
- Buy a bigger house - we have a goal set for this, 3 years from now
- Nickelback Concert - I hear they are amazing!
- Go on the Calgary Tower!
- Take an airplane somewhere hot!
- Go on a helicopter/go heli-skiing - I've done both! - check

Other than that, I am a planner, I do want to do so much in my life, but I've already done so much with my fiance, Wade. We've gone to a Vancouver Canucks at Calgary Flames game, a Keith Urban concert, Calgary Stampede - 2 years in a row, Calgary Zoo, Ponoka Stampede, Caroline Rodeo and Dance. We've done so much, I've been to West Edmonton Mall water park, we stayed at Fantasyland Hotel. Attended bridal galas, won some stuff through them. We've seen Deric Ruttan, I've seen Thompson Square, both were private VIP shows. A lot has been experienced, but there's only a world full of experiences left!

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