Friday 27 July 2012

It's Friday!

Well, the end of the week has arrived! I cannot wait! I haven't been to the farmers market here in over 7 weeks because every weekend we've been out of town! It's been crazy busy for us. Tomorrow we're going to the farmers market and then heading to Calgary for my cousins house warming/engagement party! I cannot wait to see everyone! It'll be awesome!

We're ording the bridesmaids gifts this weekend too, they're all curious as to why I've been asking for lyrics, or a quote...well they've been told "never you mind" and will find out in approximately 5 weeks.

The process of getting married in BC, and living in AB is a lot harder. I can only do so much from here, and it's such a long drive to go out there for a weekend. We can't get our marriage license until the week before the wedding when we're in BC, because we both have to be present! :( So much to do, so little time. Only 5 weeks, and things don't seem to end by any means!

My close friend, who I consider a sister is working on getting her dress in, and getting a slide show done! I emailed her a ton of pictures over the last few days, along with some information that she may need to know about us! I'm super excited, we weren't going to have a slide show before now, unless I did it, and I don't have the time to get it done, not on top of everything else. Wade's been incredibly helpful with everything, but the list of to-do's for a wedding is never ending. You think you have stuff done, but then more things arise for you to do. I'm not sure how I haven't stressed myself out so bad to the point I'm extremely sick, and have a Crohn's flare up! But I have an idea as to why this is. Wade, he's been amazing, trying to keep me as stress free as possible because what fun is it when the bride gets extremely sick?!? Our wedding is rustic country themed, I can't wait! It's going to be awesome, we all get to wear cowboy boots, hats for pictures, play a "lasso for a kiss" game (any one want to know more, let me know), drink, have a pig roast and deep fried turkey for dinner, mmmmmm it's going to be so good!

I most likely won't write on the weekends, as I spend a lot of time with Wade, doing stuff that needs to get done! Weed the garden and flower garden, go to the farmers market! All kinds of things!

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