Monday 23 July 2012

Crohn's Treatment

Throughout the years, I haven't done much for Crohn's treatment, I tried a two week diet of gluten free (not my favourite at all!), a 2 week diet of dairy free (also not my favourite as I love cheese), and a few other two week diet experiments. None of which really seemed to help me at all.

I've never been on medication for Crohn's, not permanently. I've been on Asacol, well only for 1 month, just to see how it helped me, and I didn't notice much of a difference.

The treatment for me, is diet. I don't keep a food diary, I keep a memory bank of what I eat that ends up bugging me. There's lots I don't eat because it affects my stomach and there's lots I don't eat because I just don't like it. There's also various ways I can eat certain things, that I can't eat raw. Below is a list.


- spicy food (but because of my love for it, I have it once a year)

- cabbage, lettuce
- cauliflower
- raw tomatoes (can have ketchup, tomato soup, and clamato juice)
- raw onions (can have them cooked or deep fried in onion rings)
- most raw vegetables, carrots especially - I can eat anything if it's steamed or cooked
- rice milk (doesn't agree with my tummy, but I can eat all the rice I want)
- soy products (they bug my tummy, soya sauce is excluded from that list)
- 3.25%, 2% milks (don't agree with my tummy, but can handle 1%, and chocolate milks)
- aged and old cheddar cheeses (too strong for my tummy, can have marble, light, and medium cheddars, as well as mozza)
-grapefruits, oranges (allergies)

Right now, as you can see, my avoids are small. This I feel is a very great accomplishment that I have it narrowed down and that it isn't actually that much that I need to avoid. I eat almost everything my fiance eats, I can go to restaurants, even though I sometimes pick things off of my order, for personal choice mostly :)

One thing I do avoid for the most part is drinking alcohol. When I do drink, which is about 4-5 a year, and I'm talking heavily drink, I pick a drink and stick to it all night. Generally it's Vodka and 7Up or Sprite, I rarely get hangovers if I do this, even if I drink over half a 26oz. in one night. Stay away from beer as the yeast content is extreme.

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