Thursday 30 May 2013


I'm sitting here listening to "Then" by Brad Paisley, not only does it excite me to be going to his concert in October, but it reminds me of mine and Wade's "kinda first date"

Truthfully there are a lot of songs that make me remember certain events or things that have happened in life, or songs that I link to memories. It's something I've done for a long time, it's an easy way for me to remember life events, and associate a song that describes how I was feeling during that event. 

Wade and I had only known each other for about two weeks, with a few days of constant conversation via text, Facebook or in person when he wasn't working. He asked me if I would go with him to pick up hay in Creston. I had the day off that he had to go, and totally wanted to go, it meant I got to spend time with the guy I was crushing big time on. He was beside himself when I said I would go with him, and I was so excited. There were two songs that we both sang to on the drive, something neither of us did with other people, Wade told me that on the drive back. Second Chance by Shinedown is the other song. 

Anyways, Wade was so kind, he bought me Subway for lunch. He had a BLT with lots of ranch and mayo (two of his favourite things), and I had a turkey breast and ham, heavy on the cucumbers! We sang Second Chance quietly to each other on the way there, I am not a loud singer unless I'm alone, and Wade really wasn't a singer at all he had expressed to me. He was surprised with himself. On the way back, "Then" came on, the songs were on shuffle. I had only heard the song a few times, as I didn't listen to much country music at the time, but the lyrics came naturally. I'm not sure what it was that drew me into this song, and drew me into singing it with Wade, whether it was quietly or not. We were both singing, looking out the window, but the words, the tone it set, and where we were at in our friendship, made the song and the lyrics feel so right, and so totally true. 

Every time this song comes on the radio, or through shuffle on iTunes, I think of this memory. Of the way I was feeling, the things I was thinking and feeling, the way Wade was with me, all of it into one. This drive was an extreme "get to know each other" kind of drive. Wade told me a lot about himself and I told him so much about myself. It was good to connect with someone like that, only knowing them for a short time period, but learning and feeling so much for one person so quickly, it's one feeling I'll never forget. It was overwhelming, but so incredibly comforting at the same time. So many things drew me to this amazing man, so many little things that now, make me smile and think about when I first met him. Things that make me have that rush of feelings and emotions again, it still overwhelms me, but comforts me at the same time, I know he's mine now, and I'm here to stay, I wouldn't trade anything in the world for what I have with him. 

It's amazing when you find someone who does all of this for you. 

Find My Peace Of Mind

It's been a while since my last post, so I figured it's about time I write another one.

We spent the weekend back in BC, visiting some family and my god daughter. It's hard to believe that she's already walking, and she's so adorable. I can't wait to have a child of my own. My little cousins are all getting really big too, running and walking, and oh the talking they're doing.

Everything has been fairly uneventful because it's been raining pretty much for a week! It's getting to be a bit ridiculous, we've had some breaks in rain and are able to get a few things done, mow the lawn on Sunday, get the yard all cleaned up, that kind of stuff. The yard truly is looking fantastic now that everything is cleaned up, we're getting the weeds under control, and making a few changes to the view of it. The only thing that needs done now, is paint! The deck needs resurfaced as well as the sheds!

Our neighbour is on his last leg. I went and talked to the Manager about his behaviour, as yet again he's mowing into our lawn. He was given a written notice this time, and the manager said next time, his file will be given to a lawyer and he'll more than likely be evicted. It's getting ridiculous the way this guy is. You shouldn't have to continually go to your manager or call the cops about your neighbours behaviour.

I may have a few more potential clients for coffee products. On top of that, the walk to raise money for Crohn's and Colitis research is coming up too! As well as Wade's 24th birthday, and my brother's 21st birthday, all within a week, so needless to say, our next week will be busy, plus Wade has been working long hours, yesterday he was gone from 7am-10:15pm :( BOOOOO!

Here's a picture of our beautiful dog, Dacia

Has anyone watched the TV show "Food Factory"? It's pretty neat, I enjoy learning how they make food like Jelly Bellys!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Recipe Alert: Blueberry Cheesecake Bites

This is one of the recipes I've tried off of Pinterest. I tried them as bites (ice cube tray), and as popsicles. Personally I preferred the popsicle method better.

You'll need:

2 cups of fresh Blueberries - I used frozen Huckleberries
1/2 cup of Cream Cheese
6 tablespoons of Icing Sugar
2 cups of Cool Whip


Puree the blueberries, icing sugar, and cream cheese in a blender or use an immersion blender. Gently fold in Cool Whip, and spoon into ice cube tray or popsicle molds and freeze. They turned out delicious!


**I don't have a picture of them at this time, but I'll get some next time I make them**

Tuesday 21 May 2013

I'll Be Waiting

We had a very eventful weekend, my brother was gone all weekend. Wade and I had the house to ourselves. We did some cleaning and organizing, did lots of yard work, got a lot of stuff in the yard done, and it's starting to look really great.

We took out all the ugly rocks that were between our deck and the walkway, and we've put in Cedar Mulch in place of it. We built up my garden so the dogs won't dig in it anymore, built a flower box to house all of my lily bulbs, filled up my nice big planters and bought some flowers for them as well. We ripped out a section of chain link fence with a gate attached to it that was remaining at the front of our deck beside the house, it had an ugly, dead bush between the fence and deck too, so we ripped that out. We've also done a lot of weed killing this weekend, trying to get everything looking great. I still can't wait to show it all off. There's still some work to do in the front, where the fence and bush were. We've got a few things to there, put up a board along the front to hold the mulch in, but we'll mulch it and put one of my planters there. It's going to look great!

We had yet another incident with the neighbour. He spent half the weekend going through the rocks on our side of his house, picking out all the garbage, grass, weeds, and whatever else he found and threw them in our yard! ALL WEEKEND! So annoyed. Then, he mowed his lawn, and half of ours while he was at it, and didn't turn the mower so it was facing his house, so it threw rocks at our house, not missing the window by much over a foot, and narrowly missing me by not much more, as I was heading out to start the BBQ. I was extremely mad, I slammed my drink down on the table, and started yelling at Wade, "That f***ing asshole just spat rocks at the house and barely missed me!" - Wade was at the front door keeping the dogs from running out while I was looking at where the rock hit. Our small dog went running away, so I bolted after her, and naturally our bigger dog went after the small one. Once I got our little one, I was on the way back to the house, our big dog ran around the back of the neighbours house and into his yard, that's when we heard the neighbour say "it'll kill you over here" while he chased our dog out of his yard. Later that night, he was chasing our cats and telling them to "F**k off and get" I'd had enough, I had Wade call the dispatch and talk to a cop. The cop ended up coming out and talking to the neighbour, telling him to stop being a dick.

Naturally, we're waiting for him to do something next. We'll be talking to the manager tonight, as the neighbour also took a picture of our vehicles (as there are 3 outside now rather than 4), which it's been cleared by the manager, and it's incredibly rude and personally, he knows what our vehicles are, and probably has pictures of our license plates too, which is completely unnecessary. Now it's just a waiting game.

Monday 20 May 2013


Originally Written and Posted on May 6th, 2013

So, the title to this post is really self explanatory, it is going to be about just that, creepin'.

Over the past week or so, our neighbour to our right, #215, has been making himself more "known" around the area. It started last Friday night, Wade and I were in the shower, and Wade had gotten out because Sadie was barking in the house, Dacia (the big dog) was outside tied to her line. When Wade came down the hall there was a knock on the door, and #215 was standing there and proceeded to tell Wade that he had given Dacia POTATO SALAD and water because she had been outside all day without any. Now, most of you know that bigger dogs, particularly ones with Wolf and German Shepherd in them want to be outside, so she whines, I let her out for periods of 20-30 minutes and bring her in. Usually it's to go to the bathroom, play with the cats, or just get some fresh air and roll in the grass, so no big deal. She comes in, gulps up some water and lays down for a nap. Anyways, back to #215 at our door telling us he fed our dog, he thought she was outside all day because every time he left and came home she was outside, but he obviously didn't pay that much attention to it...Thanks for making our dog sick for the whole 24-36 hours after feeding her potato salad, we appreciate the throwing up and diarrhoea greatly...NOT

Saturday morning, I got up with the dogs and it was gorgeous out, so I took them outside and put them on the line, came in to get them their breakfast, and when I went back out (maybe 4 minutes later), guess who was outside, petting the dogs...YOU GUESSED IT...#215!!! He also proceeded to stand there and talk to me, telling me how when he lived at his last house, the neighbour abandoned the dog and what not. Ok, well I understand that, but seriously, before you start feeding other people's dogs, potato salad, when there is ALWAYS a vehicle home, and if there's not, then no one is home and the dogs are in the house with water, ASK the dogs owners! Plus, #215 wouldn't go away, I text Wade as he was still in bed and asked him to come out because this guy was lingering.

So with all of this, all week, every time we went outside, guess who showed up to make small talk and be a little judgemental. We live in a cul de sac in a trailer court, and we have 3 vehicles plus my husband's company vehicle, so during the day, there's two here, and my vehicle isn't parked in the parking spot in front of the house, it's parked out in the cul de sac, and #215 asked us to move them out of the cul de sac because there were kids riding their bikes in there, and it would be anyone's worst nightmare if their children ran into someone else's parked vehicle. Now, he doesn't run this trailer court, and quite frankly, I don't give a rats ass what he thinks. Most of the children in the trailer court, ages 4-12 run around on foot or their bikes...without any adult supervision at all, therefore it would be the parents fault.

This weekend, we observed #215 being outside every time the neighbour lady on the other side of him was outside, for the same amount of time she was outside, and he made weird small talk with her too. She was painting their wooden garbage bin, and #215 was outside "cleaning" his truck, which honestly, as an observer, it didn't look like he was actually cleaning, maybe just taking out some paper and stuff, but there was no vacuum or anything used.

This morning, I heard our garbage can moving after the truck had been by and grabbed the garbage, I figured maybe #215 just moved it over since he had put his sprinkler on. Nope, I was wrong when I went outside, he brought it up to the stairs, I am not a lazy person, I go and get it every day after I eat lunch, so WTF??? Then when my brother got home from work and ran down to the post office to grab the mail. When he got back, we were checking to see how cold the pool was (still quite cold by the way), and I asked him if he could go around the back of the house and try to find the turn on valve for the garden hose so I could put the sprinkler on the lawn. #215 was outside, and proceed to follow my brother, from a distance (behind our storage shed and wood shed) around the back of the house, while remaining away from him, and as my brother came back, so did #215. Does that make any sense to you? It was immediate too, I asked my brother, and #215 was on his way as soon as my brother got down the stairs.

I have been purposely avoiding going outside over the past week unless Wade is home, I don't think that #215 would do anything, but he's creepin' me out. I'm not comfortable around him, and besides that, the last two days, he's been outside in just BOXERS, now that really creeps me out, and it creeps me out even more because there are so many small kids that are around the cul de sac, riding bikes or running around.  Not to mention that this guy is in his 40's at least! What in ones right mind makes them think it is OK to be walking around in boxers with small kids around, and trying to make small talk with neighbouring ladies?????

Boys 'Round Here

Originally Written and Posted on May 12th, 2013

This weekend was another intense and half assed ridiculous weekend. 

So, as an extension to Creepin', let the fun begin...not.

Friday night, we all got ready to head to town and our neighbour made an inappropriate and rude comment about my vehicle not starting as it had been sitting for a few days - when in fact the previous night it had been moved for 4 hours as we went into the city! - suck on that creep. Anyways my brother made a remark back about that being a smart ass comment. Then we left, only to realize we had forgotten the gas can, so we turned around. In that 4 minutes, the neighbour had removed our dog leash anchors and one was on the deck and the other was thrown around the yard. He was pissed off at my brothers remark, so he trespassed and moved shit that he had no right to touch. A ton of words were said, along with calling me rude and unfriendly because GOD FORBID I didn't say hi to him one morning. He then threatened my brother as well. Completely unacceptable. So I then got involved in the spat, when you go after my family, especially after previously stalking my brother, it's red head f**king fury anger now. I had enough. I laid into him a bit, told him none of what he was saying was his business and that he wasn't the manager of the trailer court. He told us our dogs weren't allowed on his two feet of property anymore, that's why he moved shit in our yard. He stared down my brother, regardless of how many times Wade told him to look at him, or stepped in between them, finally I stepped in between my brother and him and told my brother to walk away. It got ridiculous, he wanted to be civil, but was raising his voice and swearing at us. He thinks because we're young - we're dumb and irresponsible, but honestly, who's the one who was drinking all day and came over to confront three people?? And just be a total jackass to all three of them? That right there shows us that you're not responsible, that and you're in your 40's, so grow the f*** up! Conversation over dick head. When we got home, we had dinner outside, and put up a shelf in the shed and put stuff away. This is when he decided to stand outside and watch his grass grow where he could keep a clear eye on us! What a CREEP!!!

So, we were outside all Saturday, doing yard stuff, new stairs, privacy screen railing, and having fun! He came to turn on and off his garden hose 7 times and didn't say hi once, now who's being petty? No wonder I don't want to say hi, you are an ignorant dick. Whatever. 

So, that leads me to tonight, Sunday. We didn't do much, just hung out at home, and got a few groceries. It was super windy out to even want to do anything. So we stayed inside most of the day, made sushi, and this evening went and put boards and stuff away, make sure nothing could blow away in the 70-80km/hr winds we were expected to have tonight. 10pm came around, the lights went out in the house, and we laid in bed listening to music and talking, and all of a sudden, boom boom boom (the bass of the neighbours music) it's now, 10:15pm, people are trying to sleep because they have to get up. I put on my housecoat and head down the hallway, open the door to confirm it was indeed the asshole next door. I put on my shoes and walked to the managers, made her dog bark and scare her. She went over and told him to turn it off. Now he's just being ignorant, he went outside as soon as he saw me head down there, pretended to pick something up from behind a vehicle (I know there was nothing there, from the day time), and then walked back into his house as the manager and I headed back. So now, it's almost midnight, I'm sleeping in clothes, full out - yoga pants, sports bra and tshirt - and to top it off, I know where there's a board and pellet gun. Needless to say, I can't sleep. 

Anyone else have stupid neighbours like this?!? I honestly don't feel safe going outside alone, so I'm a hermit during the week when the guys are gone at work. I let the dogs in the pen, and stay in the house. Only problem is, I feel like he might do something to my pets, in which I'll be really pissed off about. I don't want to go outside, I purposely avoid it because of this creep, what a great way to waste away a spring/summer...not. I can't wait for something to happen and him to leave. Next incident, I will be filing harassment against him! 

**written on iPhone, also sorry for the language, but I'm mad and annoyed**

Friday 17 May 2013

Scream and Shout

Not a whole lot has been going on. I've started the Hip Hop Abs workout program. I'm on day 2 of 30. I'm liking it so far so I think it'll be a good program for me! I'm excited, it's a pretty neat program, and it involves dancing which I like doing whether or not I'm good at it.

We had a plumber in yesterday, sure enough there's issues with the pipes under the ground (nothing will be at our cost)! We have tree roots invading the pipes. He said we're incredibly lucky that it's taken this long for our pipes to block up and back up into the bath tub! I however, don't feel lucky at all, because now everything stinks! It is in the process through the manager to have the pipes ripped up and replaced - this is a one full day adventure for the plumbers - so we will see what happens. Now that we can use water, I can finally clean everything, we didn't have water for 3 days, so one could say our house is a mess. The kitchen is almost clean, then I'm on to the bathroom. Nothing is more satisfying than a clean house.

We are going to the farmers market this weekend, it's opening weekend and I cannot wait. Next weekend we're going to BC to see my God daughter and some family. The weekend after that we're doing something here for my brother's big 21 birthday! Then the weekend after that, nothing, but following it is Wade's 24 birthday. July long weekend we're headed to BC again for my little cousins graduation, I can't believe she's already graduating! And two weeks after that we're off to BC again for 10 days for my friends wedding! YAY! I can't wait, it will be a good time :) We're going to be super busy, with all of this, doing work outside (another new set of stairs), re-doing the railing on the deck, all of that fun stuff. Everything happens in the summer, which is great, traveling in the winter kind of sucks, due to weather and road conditions.

Sometimes we're so busy that I just want to scream and shout. I love summer because it is so busy, and I've already got a tan (my mom is jealous) :D Most people know that getting a tan as a red head is difficult because of our pale complexion, well, every few years I go through a stage where I will burn and it will turn to a tan, or I'll just tan. Most years I just burn and peel but this year is going to be different as my first burn left me pretty cherry tomato red, and now I'm pretty golden brown :) Hope the weather is nice for everyone!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Can't Keep Waiting

You know, when you're diagnosed with a long term disease, that currently doesn't have any cure, it truly takes a huge toll on you. All it has is a bunch of drugs, some of which deteriorate your bones and damage your cartilage. That moment you find out, it's life changing. It's not just life changing for you, it's life changing for your family - when you live at home or visit - and it's life changing for those you date or marry. Your diet changes, your weight changes, almost everything about you changes.

Everything for me is trial and error. I'm not on medication, I control my Crohn's Disease strictly with diet. I have Asacol (gastrointestinal anti-inflammatory), but I don't take it, it's mostly for if I'm having a really bad day, and this stuff is $125 for 30 days worth of anti-inflammatories.

It's almost surreal, you've been sick for who knows how long, and when you finally find out what's going on, you don't want to believe it, you live in denial for a while. You want nothing to do with the changes you're going to experience in life, or the changes you're going to be forced to take. I was 17 when I found out, I was sick for two years prior, I lived in a small town, getting the tests necessary to find out what's going on takes a long time. That and the doctors there take a really long time to even consider sending you for the tests. At 17, this seems like your life is over, like you will have to work your absolute hardest every day to stay healthy, and to be positive about your disease. And you know, that's how I felt, everything was harder, my mom had to either cook extra food for me that was different than theirs, or they had to eat according to my diet. That in itself isn't easy.

I think one of my biggest fears is and always will be that it is too much for my family or my significant other. That's what I thought about when I first met Wade, I almost didn't want to tell him I had such a debilitating disease, something that could kill me, or that I could have multiple surgeries for and it would never truly go away. I told him, and within three months of us dating, I was in the hospital for a flare up due to stress. He somewhat surprised me, he stuck with me, at the hospital, and through everything. (I've already talked about this in a past post so I won't go on) That's when you know someone is willing to make every sacrifice to make sure your health and wellbeing are the best it can be.

Wade has adjusted his diet to what mine is, he only eats what I do. I don't know if it's simply because he's that incredible and nice, and would rather not make me make different meals for him and I, or if it's simply because he doesn't care. He knows what I can and cannot eat, and what may and may not bug me, and he makes sure that I keep up with that. He does buy some stuff that I can't have strictly because of Crohn's Disease, like oranges. I can't even be around the smell of them when they're being peeled, so he takes them strictly for his lunches and doesn't eat them in the house.

Your life changes when you have a disease like Crohn's. It can change for the better, or it can change for the worse. You have to make it what you want it to be. Lately, I've been doing incredible health wise, I'm also not working a 9-5 job (I sell coffee/tea products), and I'm getting adequate amounts of sleep. Generally, to have a good day I need about 8 hours of solid sleep, uninterrupted. I have been sticking to my diet, and well breaking into some of my avoids list, simply to test how the Mycelium and Ganoderma capsules have been treating me. I am now out of the Ganoderma capsules, so I'm taking the Spore Powder and Mycelium, along with a prenatal vitamin. This is day two of the Spore Powder, so I don't have much to report just yet.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, you need to make the necessary changes in your life to make your debilitating disease manageable. Keep positive, and stress free, take vitamins and eat healthy. Also, go for at least a half hour walk every day, or mow the lawn. Something equivalent, that is exercise, because it truly has some of the best effects on you, and the fresh air is always nice. I don't do yoga, or exercise videos or anything. My weight has been maintained by walking, yard work, house work, sometimes I go for some bike rides, but mostly I eat healthy and keep up on my nutrients. Make this new life of yours with a disease, the best your life can be, and continue to live that way. There is no better feeling in life, than when you are feeling the best you've felt in a long time.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Everything Has Changed

As if the last few days with our neighbour haven't been enough...

We have back flow of water in our tub when we run the washer, Wade has been investigating this all afternoon. Snaking it and snaking it, but coming up with no clogs. It's extremely puzzling. He's going to talk to the trailer court manager and see what she can have done, as it's clearly not in our pipes. We've also poured a ton of drain cleaner down the pipes!

On a side note, we went and talked to the manager today regarding our neighbour. She's said that he drinks quite a lot of alcohol, and she thinks he has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. So that accompanied with the alcohol he drinks (and I wouldn't be surprised if there were drugs in the mix), makes sense as to his behaviour for the most part. It definitely explains the walking around in silk boxers! I'm not sure if it explains him stalking my brother with a pair of garden sheers. That in itself is something else, I think. The manager has no issues with us at all, not the number of vehicles we have or anything. She said we're quiet, nice, and neighbourly!

Nothing else has really happened today. Talked to a good friend this morning. We've been friends for about 7.5 years. Our friendship, like most was off and on, but regardless I'm proud of him. He went into chef training, and is now working at a restaurant he loves. Not just that though, he's got big ambitions and goals in life. Traveling and cooking in places like Paris, maybe taking some pastry courses too! He wants to learn several different cuisines as well, he will be accomplished. Not only that, but he also wants to go to University again for Psychology! It's incredible to hear about his journey, and I do hope that one day he does make it on Iron Chef, because well, that would be absolutely incredible for him, and such an amazing and unforgettable experience! I wish you much luck with all your future endeavours GCB. You will do amazing at whatever you pursue my friend. Despite where I friendship goes, or doesn't go, I will keep you in my thoughts with all future endeavours!

I talked to my Minnesotan friend today too, much like every other day, we talk via Facebook, Xbox, or text. She's great too. Having a few of  the same struggles I am, so it's a fantastic friendship. We are there to support each other with everything going on right now. It'll stay that way, I'm hoping.

Friday 10 May 2013

Crash My Party

The last few days I haven't been feeling good, so I haven't been doing much, including not writing posts! Sorry guys! I would like to thank everyone who does read my blog, from all over the world! It is truly appreciated!

I've been taking the Ganoderma Lucidum and Mycelium capsules now (1 a day) since April 6, 2013. I can honestly say that my Crohn's Disease has been completely under control. It's never been better actually. It's one less thing I have to worry about on a daily basis, which to anyone who is living with Crohn's, and you're looking for a bathroom in every public place you go to, I haven't had that problem in over a month now. You know what it's like, anyone with IBS, or something similar. It's not something you want to deal with on a daily basis but are absolutely forced to. I truly wish I could get every one of you trying these products, they would be worth your while and worth your money. I really do encourage everyone to give Organo Gold's products a try, even if it's only for a few days, you will notice a difference!

I've been having ridiculously vivid dreams still. Almost every night, and I've hardly been sleeping, sometimes I'm only getting about 4 hours of sleep, I'm really not sure what is up with that. We shall find out soon I would imagine. I'm just hoping it all straightens out and I can go back to being me, not someone who is constantly tired or needing a nap! (And grumpy)

I've also been downloading some new music, and a few new movies. Today I watched "Safe Haven". I have to say, I absolutely love Nicholas Sparks' books, and I really love the movies too! Safe Haven made me think a lot, about how much I love my life, the things I'm doing, the places I'm going, the things Wade and I are experiencing or doing together. Before I met him, I really didn't do much, didn't go to concerts or anything. I mostly went out drinking to a local bar with some friends, that's about all my life consisted of, that and work/college. He's changed my life in so many ways, the best ways possible.

We have a fire ban no in all of the area, no camp fires, no anything. It's so dry here that they're even advising people to not leave their ATV's idling in one spot for too long as the heat from the exhaust may cause the grass to catch fire! - I'm thinking of making s'mores on the BBQ, you put the chocolate and marshmallow in between your graham crackers, wrap it in foil, and put them on the BBQ! I was really hoping to have a fire this weekend, but I guess we'll just be working on tidying the yard, getting crap put away and organized (on the account of our creepy neighbour, everything will be locked up), getting my suntan on, putting up a privacy screen (so I can tan in my bikini), and maybe even going in our pool! This fire ban has really put a damper on our fire having plans, and has crashed our party!

Monday 6 May 2013

Seize The Day

Yet another busy weekend has passed us by! Saturday we spent shopping for a new door for the house, a few things for my brother too, and a work bench for Wade. We spent the evening on Saturday putting together the work bench, and working on our sunburns! And then of course organizing everything that's to go in and on the work bench!

Sunday was incredibly eventful! We got a new front door! Yay, it took pretty much all day for the guys, but it looks absolutely incredible! I don't really have much of a before photo, but I have an after photo!
So, after the door was put in and cleaned, as well as insulated, we headed in to town to do a bit of shopping! We needed a few groceries, and wanted to look at getting a pool. Well, all went well, we got a pool, and groceries! We couldn't go in the pool last night to cool off and to cool down our sunburns though :( because with using the garden hose to fill it, the water got extremely cold! So cold, that you could only stand dipping your feet for a few seconds, it did soothe my mosquitos bites on my feet and toes though. I can't wait to use the pool tonight, it's going to be +29 today, and the pool will be warm, but all we have to do is add some cold water to it, it will be incredible.

Well, the house is all dusty, saw dusty, and there's spray foam everywhere, so I should get going and get this stuff cleaned up so I can enjoy my day outside!

Friday 3 May 2013

If I Die Young

When I was still living back in BC, and in high school, there was a lot of things that I hadn't experienced yet in life, that a lot of people were experiencing. Examples; concerts, hockey games, traveling. So naturally I started a bit of a bucket list, even kind of when I wanted to get married, and when I wanted to have children.

- Attend a concert - Keith Urban, Eric Church
- Attend an NHL Hockey Game - Calgary Flames vs. Vancouver Canucks
- Travel outside of Canada - Planned for our honeymoon/first anniversary
- Get married around age 23 - Married my one true love on September 1, 2012 (age 22)
- Have children by age 25 - Currently a work in progress
- Own a home  - Wade and I bought a home Christmas 2011
- Have my own pet - I had a cat named Bella (who was taken by coyotes), now we have two cats and two dogs

I was just talking with Wade a bit about it, he doesn't have a bucket list yet, mine isn't extreme, and it probably won't get any more extreme then what the average person wants in their lifetime, but for me, that is enough. I've already done more with Wade than I have ever done in my lifetime, he's introduced me to so many things in my life, I am truly appreciative.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Crank It Up

Last week, we bought new blocks to re do our outdoor fire pit! It has a touch of my home, you'll see in the picture. The fire pit we had, came with the house, the bricks weren't put together properly, and everything was broken and falling apart (real eye sorer), it was horrible! We've been slowly breaking in the new fire pit too! We put a sloped roof on our house (we live in a mobile home and it had a rounded roof), so there are a lot of butt ends of boards that we have been burning, that and sticks/leaves from the yard! Now the fire pit looks like it's missing a block, and well it is. It's supposed to be on the bottom of the pit, but because we live where it is so windy, we wouldn't be able to get a fire lit if the missing brick was on the bottom! The rocks around it are from back home in BC!

So many things are going on in life, we're planning a new deck, when we may want to start it, pricing it out, that kind of thing. (the deck too is rotting plus it is painted terribly and the paint is so old it's chipping off)

It's currently sitting at +15 right now, I can't wait, I think we will have dinner outside! I'm making mini burgers on slider buns. The hamburger has been marinating in some Bullseye BBQ Sauce, ketchup, and freshly minced garlic. I'm also going to add bacon bits and grated cheese to the burgers, and grill them up on granite! I'm going to make a salad with thinly sliced asparagus, avocado, lettuce, sunflower seeds, croutons, a bit of cheese, some bacon, some parmesan, and dressing of course! I think it sounds absolutely delicious and I can't wait! I'll add a picture at a later date :)

This weekend it's supposed to be +25, which I also cannot wait for! I have very white skin, with being a red head, so naturally I cannot wait to get out and do some suntanning :)

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Trail In Life

I wanted all of my readers to know that KP has ventured off on her own, she's started her own blog :) Here is the link:

Well, there were a few mishaps in our household last night. One involved Wade and one involved my brother.

Wade has the Tower 200 exercise mechanism, and he was installing it in our shed for personal use, as there's not much room in any of the bedrooms to have it hanging on the doors. He had it secured, or thought he had, and went to give it a test run, needless to say a piece of the metal frame slid off and smashed him in the nose. (Keep in mind I was queasy all day yesterday) I was laying on the couch because I hadn't been feeling good all day, when Wade came in, his hands were soaked in blood, blood was dripping all over the floor and then the kitchen sink! He has a gash along the one side of his nose, and his nose was bleeding a lot from the impact, nothing broken though (thank god). So, he's dizzy from the trauma, I'm dizzy from all the blood, could you imagine me trying to bandage up his nose? Needless to say he was sitting in a chair, and I was kneeling, as the air was "too thin" standing. It's all bandaged up and steri stripped, and he's off at work.

Now for my poor brother! We use baby gates to block the hallway off from the dogs, they have a habit of going into the bathroom and digging all of the garbage out and destroying it. Anyways, back to my brother, he was carrying his dinner down to his room as he was playing in a few games online, and went to step over the baby gate but didn't make it all the way, he managed to save almost all of his dinner, only lost a few fried mushrooms, but smashed his bad shoulder into the wall :( - it had been hurt in a car accident - and now it's sore again :(

One could say our house has seen enough mishap for a while now! I don't know that I can stomach any more blood! Today I'm not quite as queasy but I am incredibly tired still, just like I was yesterday! Not sure what's up!

I wish KP well on her new blogging adventure :) Thanks for joining my blog, even though it was short lived, I'll continually read yours :) Enjoy your blogging experience KP