Monday 8 April 2013

Baking Day? I Think So!

Well, we did our first big coffee delivery to some family at the wedding we were going to. Also gave out some more samples to some other family members. I have a friend who is placing an order too :) YAY! It's taking a while but we're getting some orders in, hopefully all of these ones will be repeat orders :)

The wedding was good, it snowed a lot here over the weekend, so that kinda made it crappy, but we had fun at the wedding anyways! Glad it was indoors though! It was small, and simple, and everything was at one venue, it turned out quite nice :)

I've been drinking the Green Tea, and the Hot Chocolate, I even like the Mocha if I need tons of energy! Which I may for today, I'm going to do some baking! Wade likes it in his lunch, I like baking, so today that's what I'll do, on top of the usual, feed the dogs, let them in and out 100x's a day, clean up the house and kitchen, all the fun stuff. Probably fold a ton of laundry too! I'll probably make cupcakes, and maybe some muffins with huckleberries in them, as long as I have all of the ingredients, frost the cupcakes too. I'd make banana bread but we don't have banana's right now, and Wade just finished the last loaf of it on Friday, so he can wait a bit :)

It's been getting quite cold here with all of the new snow we're getting! Unimpressed to say the least, -12 this morning after having a bunch of mornings at 0 or -1 now we're getting the cold throughout the day! Damn weather.

I realized that I couldn't remember if I posted the information about the Gutsy Walk I am participating in, with so far a team of 9 people! I'm finding that to be quite impressive! Below is the link! Please feel free to donate to help support research to a cure for Crohn's Disease and Colitis!

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