Monday 29 April 2013

Faded Away

I've challenged myself to naming each blog title after a song! Let me tell you, it is an incredibly big challenge! We will see how long I can keep it up!

I woke up this morning, very abruptly, and crying. I was having one of the worst dreams someone could have. I have this friend, Morgann, she's amazing and she's like my little sister. Her and I were texting a week or so ago and she was telling me that she will be calling mine and Wade's kids her nieces and nephews (which is completely fine with us). In this dream, we were all at a party, a big gathering - the location I'm unsure of, but it had a hill and a lake. The dream fast forward a while, from when we arrived to when there was an accident, there had been a car run off the road by a truck, I went rushing to the scene only to realize it had been Morgann, my sister, the one I talked to about everything, but would no longer be talking to or seeing. (insert big sad face here) Only to realize the truck that had purposely run her off the road and had fled had been the guy she was seeing, and that liked her. It didn't make any sense to me. Next thing I remember is holding a rose she had given me only moments before the accident, in a public washroom, crying my eyes out with Wade, telling him that she was going to be an auntie to a niece or a nephew, and how she had just told me she wanted to be the auntie to our babies. I hadn't yet gotten a chance to tell her that she was going to be an auntie...  This is where I woke up crying and screaming. Thankfully I was home alone, Wade had gone to work. Immediately I text Morgann, knowing full well that she probably would still be sleeping. She text me back within the hour and I explained the dream, she's told me she won't be partying for a while. I find it so incredibly weird that my brain linked ALL of this into one dream. Considering I'm not pregnant yet, we're still in the trying stage.

On another note, I tried a few new recipes this weekend! I found a good recipe for guacamole (which I will share shortly), and a LazyDay Lasagna recipe. Along with these I made Chocolate Chip Banana Bread! I'm considering making an apple pie in the next few days, make it smell incredible in the house!

Life brings you so many unexpected things, some good and some bad, some expected and some not. One of the things that I didn't really expect that turned out to be absolutely incredible is the positive effects that Ganoderma Lucidum has been having on my Crohn's Disease. I really didn't realize it until Wade and I were grocery shopping yesterday and I wanted to buy that cheesy jalapeƱo dip to have with chips, just to test how my stomach has been simply because I haven't had to rush to the bathroom after any meals :) It was then, when I was contemplating buying some of what is usually my worst enemy, that Wade said I've been eating a lot of salad (lettuce is a trigger and usually sends me to the bathroom within 10-15 minutes of eating it), sometimes for lunch, and then a small bowl with dinner, and it hasn't been affecting me. Another thing that usually bugs me is avocados, well I can successfully say that after eating a ton of guacamole yesterday, I did not rush to the bathroom :) :) It's truthfully like my Crohn's Disease has faded away. Life is amazing when things are working out in your favour!

I truthfully would suggest that anyone with Crohn's Disease, IBD, IBS, anything gastrointestinal related gives these a try. I'm taking Ganoderma Lucidum and Mycelium capsules, one of each once a day, and it is truly changing my life. For more information on these, let me know, I'm always available!

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