Wednesday 3 April 2013

Cold Weather

Today is going to be a tea day, I don't have any hot chocolate left. It's colder than it has been in a while here, makes me want to curl up with a blanket, good book, and my tea. Who am I kidding? I can totally do that.

Green Tea with honey is the absolute best, I have to say I never really enjoyed tea before, but I think that because it has a health benefit for me, it's made me like it more, and this stuff is really tasty. I haven't tried the Red Tea yet, but it has even more health benefits as it doesn't just have the Ganoderma in it, it also has the Cordyceps! On the plus side, the products have been making feel absolutely fantastic! Yay!!!

So far, I only have 12 likers on Facebook. :( I think once a few more people have tried it, they'll share the page and get people trending! I've sold 15 boxes of product in the last little while, starting to make a bit of a profit off of it. Mostly family and friends buying it, but I'm hoping it won't take long for others to start wanting to try it and start seeing the benefits they have! I've been handing out some samples to people that I've never talked to before.

Today I'm in the process of signing up for the "Gutsy Walk" in our area, we're all signed up now, my husband and I, and all the emails have been sent out to the others who would like to join our team! If you would like to donate or sponsor us, the link is posted below! I'm really excited about it, it's going to be absolutely fantastic! We will have so much fun! Our team so far is incredible!

Our puppy is currently in her kennel for trying to eat the garbage out of the bathroom, and she's snoring very loudly. She's cute, but gets into so much trouble!

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