Thursday 11 April 2013

New Chick on the Blog

I would like to start out by thanking my new canadian friend, LP for inviting me to this blog. I am from Minnesota (not "mini soda"). We just got nailed hard with snow today and more to come. I thoguht it was April? Anyhow, I am 20 and married. I got married this last July to my high school sweat heart (who woulda thought?). We are getting ready to move to a nicer city at the end of May. My Husband, CP got a better paying job! We just finally found somewhere to live there! A large two bedroom apartment! Its a secured building (So, no worries about robberies and such anymore!). There is a huge closet by the door when you first enter the apartment. So, I plan to hide all our shoes in there and our Christmas tree/decorations! The kitchen is smaller then the kitchen I have now. But, it has a dishwasher! How am I going to punish CP now (when he ticks me off... I force him to wash dishes!!). The master bedroom is about the same size as our current room but it has a walk in closet (thats rather large!) and it is attached to the monster sized bathroom! I am so excited about this move! There is a laundry room in our apartment too! With full sized washer/dryer(So, a bonus room and no more creepy laundry mat)! The living area is smaller then the living room we currently have. But, this new apartment is soo more open then what we have now. The second bedroom isn't very big. But, its big enough. Its just the two of us right now. So, maybe we will have to add one more! The second bedroom also has a walk in closet! There is a patio to the outside. Very nicely taken care of lawn and we can grill out there (where we are now we can't have a grill). So, big changes are ahead!

What you all have been waiting to read! My Crohn's Disease:

I was diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 8 years old. 12 years ago...where did the time go! It took about two years to get all my flare ups under control. I was on so many pills and pain killers. I can't really remember what it was like....other then it friggin' sucked! I am now age 20 and have it very under control. I get a steriod shock into my buttcheek every couple of months. It hurts but its better then popping pills every day (although I currently take supplements and pop them anyway!). I don't think living with Crohn's has to be negative. And, I totally know most with Crohn's has it way worse off then I do (So, who am I to talk!). But, you will never be happy if you don't learn to live with it. I can't eat a lot of foods I enjoy (more of "I shouldn't eat the foods I enjoy...because I usually eat what I want and pay for it later). I know with Crohn's most people are on the toilet 24/7 sick. I actually throw most of what I eat up (you are picturing a skinny bulimic chick right now, aren't you? Knock it off! I am a fatty!). I wish it were the other way around. I have a hard time with soo many foods. But, I have noticed a huge change since switching to Grapeseed cooking oil. It has all the healthy fats in it. I actually workout every day. I do a 45minute jog on my treadmill (sometimes just a fast paced walk). It is so important to change your living style after getting diagnosed with Crohn's being healthy will really help you gain control over your disease and it will add years to your life! (I totally get you are thinking...this chick just told us she's a fatty and is lecturing us on being healthy?) haha.. Okay, well once I decided to be healthy I noticed a lot of changes to my Crohn's. I haven't had a flare up in years and I feel great! I am not saying go to the gym everyday (if thats not for you) but just eat healthier. I promise it helps. And, if you read this post and say to your self... I want to do this.. I want to be healthier and you need some pointers feel free to leave comments and ask! LP and I would love to help you! I think life style changes are the hardest changes of all. But, they make such a differece once you start!

It was lovely typing to all you beautiful people but I am off for the night!


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