Monday 29 April 2013

Long Time..No See?

Hello to all,

I have been super busy and haven't made a post in a week or so! So, to update everyone I had gotten sick with a UTI and a kidney infection! If you have never had either, you are soooo lucky! It was terrible! My godson got baptised the following weekend of my infections. He is the most amazing baby! He is 5 months old and a large chunker! My Husband, CP finally took a job offer! He had had two on the table and was having a hard time choosing between the two! But, it all worked out in the end! He starts June 3rd! We were offically accepted for the amazing apartment I told you all about in my first post! So, everything is right on track! I won't start looking for a job until we move up there. Its too far right now to drive for bloody minimun wage. I wish it was easier to pack up our lives. I get a few boxes packed and then am like "I think I've done enough....time to play some halo." Seriously, that's how it goes! But, I do not work tomorrow and by god I will have our computer room packed up! (yah, we will see!)

While we were away for the baptism CP and I went shopping and I bought the most amazing cookbook! I know I already posted the recipe for the Gumbo from it. But, seriously there are 1,000 recipes and are all low calorie! I have made a few different recipes out of it already! The Gumbo by far has been my favorite! Yes, it is spicy. So, for those of you that can't take the spicy, I'm sorry! But, my stomach can handle a little spice. I didn't use the full force of the Cujan in it and it was amazing! I will deffinatly be making it again! I also tried this Grill Zesty Chicken. It was super good but nest time I am not adding the zest on top of the chicken. Apparently, I am not a zest fan!

I was on the "serious" track for losing weight a few months ago and then started slacking, of course! But, I am currently back on the right track. I hate that I can't stand to look in the mirror. I have gained so much weight since being with CP. And, I totally know its because I am happy. You get comfortable with your partner and stop caring about what you look like! And, I am sooo ready to drop like 100lbs lol. I would seriously be happy with like 20 lbs though! I am hoping by the end of summer I will loose close to 20-50 lbs. I wish I was comfortable enough to go to a gym!

Heres a funny story... CP and I have been living on our own for two years in this god aweful apartment. Our current apartment is too small to have a couch. But, our new apartment that is waiting for us is a lot larger! So, my boss said he has a couch he would love to get rid of. He told me it was tan and super comfy. "A good sleeeping couch." This guy is loaded. Like, one of the wealthist people I know! So, I told CP about the couch and that it was free. We both agreed that a free couch woud be sweet for now. CP and his Dad went and picked up this couch last Thursday...And, it is the uglyist couch you would ever set your eyes on. Its like poop brown with pink, orange, blue, yellow, gold flowers on it... Seriously, hello granmda?? So, not only do I have to put up with cody's ugly organ chair... We not have a seriously ugly friggin couch to match the ugly chair. People will walk into our living room and think "Woah, did I just time travel to the 70's?"

Well, I think thats it for today! I gotta get ready for work!


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