Friday 5 April 2013

Smart Talkin'

Well, it's now 6:45am. I've been up for 45 minutes and I've managed to say a few witty/smart responses to my husband already! It's going to be one of those days. For those of you who don't know me and are reading my blog, I go through stages where a lot of my responses are quick, witty or smart, and sometimes sarcastic! It could be from lack of sleep as I was up talking to one of my cousins for a few hours last night, which diminished the amount of time I had to sleep.

Oh well, getting ready to have a morning...Mocha...and maybe it will give me the energy I need to straighten my curly hair, do my make up, pack some of our stuff for this weekend away from home, and tidy up the kitchen and bathroom before I head to a friends place for coffee! It's currently snowing and raining a bit. Slushing is the term I've come up with for that, I realize it has it's own term, but I quite often make up my own terms for things.

Lately I've been really stuck on the song "Little Things - One Direction", the lyrics kind of touch home with me. Although I can say that, and you will see, about a lot of songs but this one is for sure. It changes all the time, the song that I'm liking, or should I say the few songs because that's usually what it works out to be. Just like a few of the songs off of Nashville. I like them, I really wish I could be a song writer, or even get back into poetry, but poetry is a tough one for me because of the terms I kind of ended it on. (Long story, for another day)

Well I'm off to start my day! Have a good weekend ya'll!

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