Tuesday 30 April 2013


Well, that was probably one of the worst sleeps I have had in a while, and I can't even begin to tell you why. I was completely exhausted as I went to bed, but couldn't fall asleep, and then it was quite chilly in the bedroom as it was -8 outside, but I don't believe that is a factor at all. I also didn't have any vivid, sad, horrible dreams like I did the previous night, thankfully.

I don't have much planned for today, probably a big long nap because I didn't sleep well at all. Plus, it is absolutely gross outside, and there is no way in hell that I will be going out to do yard work or anything without a toque, gloves, and my winter jacket! I am not impressed by the current cold snap we're having, I was really looking forward to the +18 weather this week.

So, in my profile I've mentioned that Wade and I are trying for a baby! I've had a pregnancy prediction done (this is done by a psychic) and she has predicted the following for us! (Copy and paste directly from the email)

"They are showing me a little girl that is coming your way. I am linking her to the end of April, early May.. so April 29-May 3.. wondering if you can look ahead and see if this would link to either testing or ovulation time frame?

They are showing this pregnancy going fairly well, and that your labor experience is going to be fast. I am given the impression that she's early, I am thinking like 8 days early and that it just seems like one minute your in labor, and then the next thing she is born. My interpretation is that your going to expect a long delivery, and find out that she comes faster than you think, so ensure that your ready with your bags packed ahead of time!
They are showing her being born in the low 7lb range. They are showing her being very long. I am seeing that while your pregnant, you really carry her, really far out, and at times people are going to ask if your carrying twins. I think that its just how she sits in there, and because of her length, just has her sticking out more."

Now, usually you're given a general month, one that you will conceive in, find out your pregnant in, or give birth in. I am guessing that because mine was so close to when I asked for a prediction that she gave me actual dates. And boy do I hope that this is the time, 6 months of trying seems like a long time, all the while absolutely enjoyable, but wanting a baby is usually one of those things you want now, want to be pregnant, not wait. I guess we will see what happens! Wish us luck!

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