Wednesday 10 April 2013

New Blogger To Join Me :)

Well, I've met someone new! She also has Crohn's Disease! I'm so excited, she's young too. It's so thrilling to meet someone new! I'll do a formal introduction on my next post as she is going to start blogging with me! We will let you know the ways we control our Crohn's, what meds (if any) we take, food we can and cannot eat, recipes or ways we cook specific foods that don't bother us (i.e. specific oils or spices/herbs used that don't bug us), and the ways we keep our lives positive and we hope that helps our fellow "Crohnsites"or anyone with IBD/IBS!

I would imagine tomorrow I will write the formal introduction blog!

Nothing really has changed, I started taking the Ganoderma Lucidum capsules, as well as drinking the Hot Chocolate or Tea! I've noticed a bit, for example; last night our puppy wanted outside at 2:15am, well lucky me, I got up, it took me an hour to fall back asleep because I was completely awake. Now, if you were to ask my husband about this, I am NEVER awake right away, and I can usually fall back asleep straight away. But there's been a few mornings when I get up to help him with his lunch and the dogs, and I'm more awake than he is, which also usually never happens either.

I'm was excited to wake up this morning, and find out that our guppy had 7 more babies, this is her second batch. The first; she had 4 babies, and now she had 7! That's pretty exciting, but we're going to have to separate the males and females because we have a small tank, so once the babies all start growing there won't be a ton of space! They're smaller than a grain of rice right now!

The weather here is a bit depressing today. Overcast and kind of dark, nothing nice at all about it :( It's chilly, so I probably won't be taking the dogs for a walk today, unless it warms up drastically!

Ah well, today I'm off. Tomorrow I'll write again and do some introductions! Gotta do laundry, get groceries and water today, maybe visit with a friend too! Have a good day!

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